Two baby albino channel catfish won’t eat again

Ian Goodwin

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 23, 2018
Its cool. I know you're stressin' but take a breath and get your zen face on ^_^ We know if you didn't care you wouldn't be here. I apologize if I sound short at times. I dont always have alot of time when i answer these things (i work, run a house, raise a kid, run a fish room and blah blah blah) so I'm sorry I if I just throw facts at you without more in-depth explinations.

Nothing is more intimately linked than a fish and the water it lives in. They breathe it, drink it, move through it, sence through it, and they absorb hormones and chemical cues from other fish in it. The quality of the water effects them all the way down to a cellular level. pretty much all of their life processes and behavior are governed by chemistry and conditions of the water.

You want to keep ammonia at 0, nitrite at 0, and nitrates under 20ppm? (Some one remind me! All my crap is on an AWC system so my last reading is rarely above a 5 on a bad day) ideal ph readings depend on the species.
I still need to get the ph test kit, im only 15 so I can’t drive to get it, but my local pet store sells them. I’ll probably be there in a week or so. Anyways thanks for the help, I’ll post an update if something noteworthy happens.
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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jul 21, 2018
I still need to get the ph test kit, im only 15 so I can’t drive to get it, but my local pet store sells them. I’ll probably be there in a week or so. Anyways thanks for the help, I’ll post an update if something noteworthy happens.
Good luck darlin!
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Senior Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Just like Olivia says. You and us need to know what your ammonia and nitrite are in ppm by an API liquid test tube kit. A master kit is $20 and has hundreds of tests. You can buy it online and have it shipped.

Without this info, any other suggestions atm would appear senseless to me.

Not preaching from a high chair but from experience. When I was a newbee, I held out too - I thought I could wing it for a long time without the tests. After I killed and sickened enough fish, I bought one and life got so-o-o-o-o much easier and fish started to live.
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