Alright I have a good one for everybody. Fair warning, it contains a fair amount of graphic nudity/sex scenes and a large amount of blood/gore/violence with torture scenes.
Polar: Its on Netflix, I think a Netflix original, about a group of hitmen/hitwoman who start going after the older assassins as to keep there pension of sorts. Now this movie is weird to say the least. It has a Tarantino feel to it , full of action, blood, gore, the works. The plot isnt too in depth but it works and I enjoyed it. Again, this is a very rated R film, probably some of the most gore/blood I have ever witnessed in a movie so be warned! I would recommend it if this sound like something you would enjoy, be prepared for the absolute bizarreness of this one!
Polar: Its on Netflix, I think a Netflix original, about a group of hitmen/hitwoman who start going after the older assassins as to keep there pension of sorts. Now this movie is weird to say the least. It has a Tarantino feel to it , full of action, blood, gore, the works. The plot isnt too in depth but it works and I enjoyed it. Again, this is a very rated R film, probably some of the most gore/blood I have ever witnessed in a movie so be warned! I would recommend it if this sound like something you would enjoy, be prepared for the absolute bizarreness of this one!