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Sandra Bullock has a pretty good movie on Netflix currently....and she is still a cutie.
Also, thoughts on the rumored Arrested Development movie?
The first three seasons are gold, but I feel like they kinda lost the magic with the continuation. I'm not sure how I feel about a movie. If it's bad, it'll just desecrate the grave of the show even further. Especially with Jessica Walter's death and Jeffrey Tambor's alleged misconduct.
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Is anyone else as bemused with all the fuss as I am over the supposedly top Xmas film of all time, "it's a wonderful life?"

This is a film I started watching last Xmas, but turned off about half an hour into it. I gave it another go this Xmas and this time persevered to the end.

In my opinion it will go down as the most overrated film of all time. The hype regarding this "classic", people telling me "everybody should see this film".

Anyone else feel the same about this film, or is it me just being an old Xmas Grinch?
Sandra Bullock has a pretty good movie on Netflix currently....and she is still a cutie.

If you are referring to "The Unforgivable", then yes I saw it recently. A brilliant film. I think this film is my new favourite Sandra Bullock film. "Blind Side" is another favourite of mine.
I'm looking for
If you are referring to "The Unforgivable", then yes I saw it recently. A brilliant film. I think this film is my new favourite Sandra Bullock film. "Blind Side" is another favourite of mine.
Yes,that's it....and count me among the few who have not seen Spiderman yet or The Matrix lol.
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