.....has anyone seen Swarm? It's on Prime and I'm not sure if it is a film or a series but an ad for it popped up on my feed the other day and it looks interesting.
You know how some movies and tv shows actually kind of predict the future? Take for example Star trek, cell phones and ear pieces that allow you to talk to people over vast distances and do amazing things. Watch Idiocracy and WALL-E that's our future. Looks bleak indead. George Carlin was a genius.I think that a small percentage of "modern" Flat Earthers are just "life trolls"; they want to rile people up face-to-face and in-person, rather than being satisfied with merely pissing into the internet. Guys like Sargent are just PITA s**t-disturbers who have mastered the art of keeping a straight face while spouting nonsense, just trying to get a rise out of everybody else in the room.
But I'd bet most of the others are simply living breathing proof of just how stupid humans can be and often are.
Where is George Carlin when you really need him?
Started watching "Succession" on prime last night to see what all the fuss is about with this show. One episode in and it's grabbed me! The characters are truly despicable people and I have no doubt whatsoever that they will get worse as the four seasons unravel.
I am really looking forward to getting deeper into this show.
I was just getting ready to dive into that show, but then my wife noticed Peaky Blinders listed and asked me if that was the show I had been raving about a couple years back; I had watched it while at work, so she hadn't seen it. She asked if I would mind re-watching it...and we watched the first three episodes last night. She's hooked, and I am probably enjoying it as much the second time around as I did the first.
I hope you're translating for her, lol.
I've got the sub-titles enabled, so...
It popped up the other day for me but I was busy at the time. It's on my list to give it a look over when I get a chance......has anyone seen Swarm? It's on Prime and I'm not sure if it is a film or a series but an ad for it popped up on my feed the other day and it looks interesting.
Hey Borg!It popped up the other day for me but I was busy at the time. It's on my list to give it a look over when I get a chance.
HeyHey Borg!