Upcoming Movies and TV shows

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Watched Man vs Bear and found it to be quite hilarious lol. Tug-a-war with a full grown Grizzly, 600 pound Barrel Roll, Steel Ball competition you must keep the ball from being pushed in a pit. Mind you the human is inside while Grizzly shoves the ball cage. Last event out run a Female Grizzly until you climb tree and ring the bell. Lol the give you a 50 ft head start because the Bear can run 35 miles per hour. It's true Grizzly Bears can out run you. What's next Rome in the arena .

Discovery Channel
Man vs Bear
I nearly forgot what I was there to see due to the seemingly endless string of lame upcoming Disney movies in the coming attractions.Wifey did have to stop me from snoring after I dozed off at one point.
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Anyone seen the movie "the platform". It's a recent addition to netflix. Watched it the other night, a very strange film indeed.
Been awhile since visiting this thread. Here are my reviews for the last half year of tv watching.

Awesome tv shows:

The witcher
The expanse
The dark crystal

Tried to watch but got bored:


That about wraps it up. Oh wait esoxlucius esoxlucius no i havent seen the platform but will check it out.
Been awhile since visiting this thread. Here are my reviews for the last half year of tv watching.

Awesome tv shows:

The witcher
The expanse
The dark crystal

Tried to watch but got bored:


That about wraps it up. Oh wait esoxlucius esoxlucius no i havent seen the platform but will check it out.
I really liked The Expanse...it's more in depth then an average show. Shame syfy dropped it. Haven't seen it on amazon.

The dark crystal is on my one day to watch show list.

Thought the witcher was ok( it was too short).
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I really liked The Expanse...it's more in depth then an average show. Shame syfy dropped it. Haven't seen it on amazon.

The dark crystal is on my one day to watch show list.

Thought the witcher was ok( it was too short).

Yeah i like the story so far. Its on amazon prime thats how im watching.

Anxiously awaiting s2 of witcher and dark crystal.

I forgot to mention earlier, the righteous gemstones was great as far as comedies go. Its on hbo i believe.
My tv provider is giving us Showtime and Epix for free during this Cronovirus outbreak.

Been watching War of the Worlds(series) on there. Only seen 3 of 8 episodes. Haven't really formed an opinion yet. They do speak 3 languages on there.