vieja zonatus

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Mine all had red borders on the fins, especially when young, the borders did shrink with age a bit.
But most cichlids have chameleon like abilities, so many colors and patterns are very plastic, and change with mood, season, decor, and age.
Compare how my micropthalmus have changed drastically in only 5 months


Yup see exactly what you mean

+1 I have two 12" hartwegi that looks exactly like Canamonster's pic. Here's a recent vid of one of my males protecting his nest with his fenestratus mate

X they are beautiful

Mine started spawning about 7".
It should be interesting to watch your group Jaws, because it is a fairly large shoal, you may avoid some of the more common aggression issues that appear with pairs or trios.
Of course if a pair does form, and prepares to spawn, that will be the time to quickly either pull out the others, or divide the tank.
Sometimes its best to leave the others in the tank, but separated.
If the male (or female, if dominant) has something to divert his/her aggression toward, he/she is less likely to kill his/her mate.

So im probably a loooong way off from seeing any pairing behaviors sonce they are all between 1 and 2 inches.

Duanes we spoke about the pair bond relatiobship over pm. But i'll ask here.

So zonatus doesnt typically choose a mate for life ? Usually they kill their mates eventually ?

You mentioned that being the shoal is large would the pair bond be stronger ? If so is it becasue the dominant male has more of a variety of females to choose from and chooses the most dominant?

Sorry for all the questions guys but this a a totally new part of the hobby for me and i really find it interesting
I don't know of any cichlid that pairs for life, save for some Julidochromis species. All of the new world cichlids form temporary pairs which end when the fry are large enough to disperse.
I guess thats when you would have to seperate the male and female...until shes ready again ?
I find it is always a good idea to have multiple females if possible, if 1 is not ready, another might be. Not always a sure thing, but it helps.
I have had pairs that remained together for 3 or 4 spawns, some don't make it thru even a single spawn.
I am always watching and ready to remove one when things get iffy.
My haitiensus pair produced at least half dozen spawns, but I would always remove the male 3 weeks to a month after any spawn, then reintroduce them after she had time to recover.

Damn what havent you bred !

I guess only thing to do is sit back and wait.

Will definitly need help sexing them
+1 I have two 12" hartwegi that looks exactly like Canamonster's pic. Here's a recent vid of one of my males protecting his nest with his fenestratus matehard to
+1 I have two 12" hartwegi that looks exactly like Canamonster's pic. Here's a recent vid of one of my males protecting his nest with his fenestratus mate

Very nice pairs but your Hart is simalir but not by alot. I would agree hartwegi would be a good fit. Does your Hart have blue eyes also? I will post a pick of my "Zonatus" at a small size. Hope you don't mind OP.
Here's a shot I just took of one of mine. I don't know....looks about the same to me.


Here's yours. Plus, hartwegis are known for their over-bite
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Not at all man. Who would mind seeing pics of other viejas ! Actually if you could post a pic of them small and a recent one that would be cool

Very nice pairs but your Hart is simalir but not by alot. I would agree hartwegi would be a good fit. Does your Hart have blue eyes also? I will post a pick of my "Zonatus" at a small size. Hope you don't mind OP.
These guys are nasty little biggers. Im surprised the larger ones are a little more laid back. There is a mid sized one thats been the worst.

Lower left