Washing Your Bio


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Autotrophic are the good nitrifying bacteria that feed on inorganic NH3 and NO2. Herterotrophic are the bad ones that decomprose organic matter and compete with autotrophic and fish for O2. Heterotrophic grow 10x faster than autotrophic and will over time crowd out autotrophic in the media. It’s a dangerous time bomb in a power outage when overcrowded media can turn anaerobic. So cleaning the media periodically will restore safe home and efficiency for autotrophic
Hello; Very good point and a new and different perspective.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
No one is debating that filter media requires regular cleaning. I have seen aquarium systems ran off of sand filters, but I am not sure what that has to do with anything? Segrest, like most of the large scale fish farms in Florida rely on vast freshwater aquifers located under the limestone based Florida earth. Basically a massive freshwater well, so no chlorine, and no chloramine.

While I agree that heterotrophic bacteria compete for 02, that does not necessarily equate to them being "bad". Heterotrophic bacteria can also be very good for a system, and are added as a bacterial supplement to many commercial farms/ponds, to perform a number of various duties. The most common genera of heterotrophic bacteria used in probiotic formulations are Bacillus and Lactobacillus, both of which are gram-positive, and both of which are utilized as probiotic supplements, to both fish feed, and the holding water itself. Probiotics have been applied as dietary additives or water additives to improve growth performance and immune response, to improve water quality (by increased waste reduction), and to outcompete pathogenic bacteria, by what is known as competitive exclusion.


I posted a thread on this subject several yrs ago, which was later made a sticky here on MFK.


With regards to power outages, a good reason why one needs to be careful when stocking their tanks, and have a back-up plan. My tanks are all lightly stocked, and I also have a bucket filled with battery operated air pumps, and a bunch of spare batteries on hand. I'm also blessed to live in an area where power outages are few and far between, and generally only last for a few hours, if that.

In the end all aquariums are a balancing act, some are just a lot less forgiving than others. All of the information in the world won't help this discussion, unless folks are posting their expereinces, and personal findings, with the disinfectant residuals found at their taps.

In the world of disinfectants, there is a world of difference between 0.0 ppm, and 4+ ppm.