My first thread on our first apurensis from 11 years ago, 2010, with the most excellent input from Yellowcat and other experts (never mind some filler conversation on the max size, it's old news now, it has been corrected a few years back and the max size hopefully will be corrected (upped) again in the future):
Photoshoot from back in 2010-2011 - our first 3 apurensis:
-one has more yellow, our first,
- the second is almost black, and
- the third one is in between.
The arrival of our very first apu, 10"-12", from River Wonders. We didn't even know if it was safe to place it in the pond (would it eat anyone? would it get eaten?), so kept it in this makeshift temp enclosure for a day while being advised on Planet Catfish by peers: