Weirdest place a fish had gotten stuck?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I can't really recall any of my fish getting stuck anywhere but man you should see some of the places I'VE been stuck! But them stories are for another day in the adults only section!!!
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Tire track eel slithered under 2 inches of substrate, under my matter filter and got stuck under all the media and heater I had behind it, he actually started pushing media through the the outtake
I can't really recall any of my fish getting stuck anywhere but man you should see some of the places I'VE been stuck! But them stories are for another day in the adults only section!!!

Had a poly hide behind a sponge flow diffuser for a while. Nightmare fuel?IMG_20180403_213235.jpg
Yeah that's totally not terrifying at all ;p
Also anyone know what a sponge flow diffuser is?
Yeah that's totally not terrifying at all ;p
Also anyone know what a sponge flow diffuser is?
I tied some fishing line into my aquaclear media box, steered it through sponge pieces in the outflow and tied it inside again. This "hangs" there to diffuse the torrential flow of the filter :)
Ahh, that's just the thing I have been looking for when I get my cherry shrimp. Hopefully gonna get them to breed.
I had a Bristlenose get stuck in a plastic cave. Weird thing is. He didn't get stuck where you would expect. He managed to somehow chew through the plastic and got stuck inside the plastic. Had to destroy the cave :(

Had a fire Eel that would get into my filter every morning. But he could never get out. It basically became a routine to take him out in the morning.

Had a bamboo shrimp jump out of the tank during the night. My dad look for him at 4:30 in the morning with no luck. At 7 I looked for him with no luck (moved EVERYTHING in the tank) then at 12 while vacuuming found the little sucker. Put him back in the aquarium. 20 minutes later he was back to his normal self.

Had Arowana jump and get stuck on the middle bracket in tank (mine is glass and like 2 feet wide) he nearly died but thankfully he didn't.

Had a clown Loach get stuck under to pieces of slate rock. So I got him out. He immediately went back in. So I took him out again and he went back in. So I figured alright he can get back out then.

2 days later he is still under the slate. So I got him out. To this day he hasn't went back under lol.