Weirdest place a fish had gotten stuck?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Had a smoothface pleco get stuck inside the mouth of my C. frontosa. Discovered it in the morning, but had to go to work, so couldn't do anything about it. By the time I got home from work, it was all sorted out and everyone lived happily ever after.

Aside from that one of my Oscars got stuck on my living room carpet overnight a few days ago. :(
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When you say you had a pleco stuck in the mouth of another fish that makes me think he rammed himself into his mouth...
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One of my G.Polys was living in an internal UV filters pump... just glad he never got torn to shreds...
My pink tail jam himself into the breeding mat that I used to camouflage my output from my sump I thought he was a goner when I had to shove him out with my thumb. Luckily he did not wedge himself passed his Gill plates

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Well, this isn't my fish. And it turns out it wasn't stuck. He was just very nocturnal, so he improvised and found a nice, dark place and made his own nighttime!:D