What are you cooking today.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
That is all wife, her mom taught her well some 40 years ago,
looks good, "butt' would not want to be under the covers with you tonight.
Got a deer this weekend. Hopefully will have backstaps sometime this week.:):)
wife made home made scones for game day.
They look nice pops what's in the ones on the left ?
I'm on winner winner chicken dinner lol
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ham and cheese, sharp cheddar.
Nice , I'm not really into scones with currents or raisans in but ham and cheese looks more my taste , enjoy mate :)
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not a scone fan myself. they suck the spit out of my mouth. ham and cheese they quite tasty.
Sorry pops got carried away with the chicken dinner forgot the photo lol , oh well it was nice , roast chicken , mashed potato , roasted potatoes , sweet corn , broccoli , carrots and 4 Yorkshire puddings (if you know what they are over the water ? Lol )
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