Not sure what you’re looking for is “logical”.
Not very often do we populate a tank or indeed a pond with the occupants that will live in it for their entire lives and expect that they would all grow up together and at the same rate.
As such, what can be kept with Paroon shark when they are small, medium small, medium, small large , large, very large, huge will be quite different and indeed very varied.
There will be a very wide range which can be kept with them when they are young. However even this will change as they grow and grow at different rates to other fish or indeed other fish to them.
For example, get a 3” Paroon and a 3” rtc and they will grow at different rates. At some point you may find that the Paroon becomes at risk. However, when they are both adults, they would be capable of living together, just maybe not all their lives from the start.
You question is what can live with an adult Paroon.
Taking that an adult Paroon can reach 3 m in length. Do you really mean what can you keep with a 3m Paroon or are you thinking more realistically what would live with an adult 5-6ft Paroon. If so, have a look what
@thebiggerthebetter keeps with his as an idea.
Maybe any fish that grows bigger than 3-4ft to start with, although there will be exceptions in that list.