What is a persimmon Parrot?


MFK Member
Jun 28, 2012
Calgary, Canada
From what I can tell it may be like a KK type fish thats been bred back to another species.
My fish store had some real high quality brightly colored BP`s and also some "Persimmon Parrots" that have been there for a while, I had to pick one up purely because there is next to no information on the breed.
DOes anyone have any information?

Here is a picture of my regular cheap BP`s they are just beginning to fade fully

Here is my new persimmon who is slightly smaller than them

Slightly stressed as I literally just put him in.

the animal guy

MFK Member
Aug 23, 2009
Persimmon parrot , strawberry parrot, marlboro red parrot, carrot cake parrots, once a month pms parrot, ect ect ect.

Here's your true info on them: It's a name to make the fish sound special. To make unique. To sell.

They are blood parrots both of em. Maybe from same breeder same batch too. They collect red as they grow from red food


MFK Member
Jun 28, 2012
Calgary, Canada
I don`t think thats what a persimmon parrot is. No offense, but the BP`s they just got in were redder than the persimmons.
Persimmons have a longer face, less notch, and noticably longer bodies than regular BP`s. the picture they had from the supplier showed them having white blotches, more midas like coloration. So my guess is its some form of king kong esque fish.
When I asked the manager who ordered them he said they are basically king kongs under a different name. I just wondered if anyone here had any experience because google is useless.

The regular BP`s that they just got were beautiful, those ones I just posted are just crappy petsmart ones that I grew out haha

the animal guy

MFK Member
Aug 23, 2009
PPL ask question, but will not except te answer unless it's the kind of answers they want to hear. What is the point? Just make up your own answers then.



MFK Member
Jun 3, 2012
PPL ask question, but will not except te answer unless it's the kind of answers they want to hear. What is the point? Just make up your own answers then.

You gave your opinion he objected and gave you his opinion but he just wanted someone to elaborate on what he may not have known whats the point of posting this

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 12, 2008
PPL ask question, but will not except te answer unless it's the kind of answers they want to hear. What is the point? Just make up your own answers then.

Lol the animal comes off like an ass sometimes but you gotta understand his point.

I don't have all the knowledge about these fading orange/red fish but I know of blood parrot, kkp, skkp, or ingot. Other than those names... I wouldn't buy. But that's just the research and knowledge I have.

You obviously bought this fish under this name BEFORE doing research which is never the best thing to do. THAT is the point animalguy is making... maybe someone has bought some under the same name will chime in and shed some light. This will be interesting...

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MFK Member
Jun 28, 2012
Calgary, Canada
Lol the animal comes off like an ass sometimes but you gotta understand his point.

I don't have all the knowledge about these fading orange/red fish but I know of blood parrot, kkp, skkp, or ingot. Other than those names... I wouldn't buy. But that's just the research and knowledge I have.

You obviously bought this fish under this name BEFORE doing research which is never the best thing to do. THAT is the point animalguy is making... maybe someone has bought some under the same name will chime in and shed some light. This will be interesting...

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The Animal is an ass, there is no reason to be "That guy" that is all knowing.

I know the difference between Mammon, BP, KKP, Rose Queen. I've kept BP and KK before and All I am simply asking is does anyone know what a persimmon parrot is.

I'm not giving answers, But he is giving me what I don't want to hear. I'm asking what one is, I know enough to know that they are not regular BP's. I trust the source, I trust the breeders who also supplied some stunning regular BP's to the same store. I Bought the persimmon as they were noticably different and I wanted to grow one out and see what it turns into.
Don't give me this crap about names being used to sell fish, I have never seen a BP labelled as anything else, I have never even seen Dyed BPs for sale.
If you have nothing to contribute besides negativity then just keep your mouth shut and let others contribute.

Crush, Don't treat me like the idiot who runs out and buys an oscar for his 20 gallon. I've kept fish for over 12 years and have a 225g aquarium.
I saw persimmon parrots for sale weeks ago, googled it several times and tried to find information. I couldn't find anything except a few breeder sites in asia that listed them as a form of KKP. Also found an old thread on here with basically everyone saying "No clue". I went to the store again with the intention of buying the persimmon parrot REGARDLESS of having no information. Its in a 120 gallon aquarium with other small cichlids being kept under much better conditions than a lot of the fish on this site so don't give me the speech about not researching the fish before I bought it.

Seriously can nobody answer a straight up question without going all therapist on me and trying to judge my fish husbandry


MFK Member
Jul 13, 2010
Phoenix az
Persimmon-an edible fruit that ressembles a tomato that is sweet.

Is the parrot a fruit?
Is it edible?,
Does it ressemble a tomato?

The name is obviously a gimmick, add on.

A parrot is a parrot.

Its like saying super fire parrot. Still parrot.
If the body structure is not as deformed then it might be classified as kkp.

Do you want someone to tell you that you bought urself a unicorn fish?

You might have paid alot of money and ur dissapointed it wasnt as rare as u thought and is just a common parrot

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MFK Member
Apr 29, 2008
Kansas City
Who cares if his research didn't tell him anything! He bought some form (or not) of parrot. The care will be the same. The guy likes it is what matters. I go for the new undescribed species of oddball fish. Just because it has never been imported and there is little or no information on it doesn't mean it isn't a new fish. Same with his persimmon.

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