What species of shark can be kept in a home aquarium?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 10, 2007
Australia, Perth
krj-1168;3654299; said:
For a 4,600-5,000 gallon oval pond - 18 ft(5.5m) long x 11.5 ft (3.5m) wide and 3.9 ft (1.2m) deep - you could easily keep almost any of the small benthic sharks for life - bamboos, eppies, coral cats, Horns(Port Jackson's) Small wobbies, or blind sharks.
krj-1168;3654299; said:

thinking of getting a few of these and try to breed them witch and how many would u recommend
project for the future :) tho but for now, my next project will be
a 10x4x3 tank will this be big enough for 1 bambooshark, blue spotted lagoon ray, lionfish, eels for life? or would some others sharks go in it as well? would like another bambooshark to breed them

or get rid of the lionfish and eels ? and just keep the sharks ?

As for swimming sharks - you would still be limited to small smoothhound sharks for life.

prefer to have a few smaller ones then 1 or 2 big ones unless they would breed in captivity

Anything else would eventually out grow the pond.

still not big enough for 1 black or whitetip reef sharks?
what size is recommend for these if u want a few


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 25, 2006
Eastern NC
To keep a Blacktip Reef or Whitetip Reef for life - Think a large Swimming pool size Shark Lagoon of at least 25,000-30,000 gallons.

For a tank that is 4ft wide - stick with sharks that are 30 inches or less in total length.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 10, 2007
Australia, Perth
krj-1168;3656148; said:
To keep a Blacktip Reef or Whitetip Reef for life - Think a large Swimming pool size Shark Lagoon of at least 25,000-30,000 gallons.

gotta have a bit of money to get that kind of tank and maintain it LOL
wish i had it but not yet maybe 1 day

For a tank that is 4ft wide - stick with sharks that are 30 inches or less in total length.
so mostly catsharks or whitespotted bamboo that stay smaller then 30inch
would 5ft be width enough for the metre sharks like bamboo and eppies
or how width size tank would they need for live


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 25, 2006
Eastern NC
The minimum width of a tank/lagoon varies with the type of shark you plan to keep.

But in general for benthic sharks - the tank should be at least 1.5-2 x the shark's max length(depending on species). The tank/lagoon length should be at least 3-4 x the shark's max length (depending on species). Or if the pond is round - then the diameter should be about 2.5-3 x the shark's max length.

NOTE: these figures are for single adult sharks only. If you plan to more than one shark in the tank - the best suggestiion is go larger than the minimum recommended tanks size.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 10, 2007
Australia, Perth
let's say a shark gets 1metre long, just for a sample
so the tank has to be 1.5metre width min for 1 shark of a metre
or 2metre width enough for 2? or does it has to be 3metre width if u want 2?
so the lenght of the tank has to be 3metre long or longer for more then 1

and for a round pool at least 2.5 metre in dia or larger
did i get it correct or screwing up in math


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 11, 2009
There is a lot of really informative stuff on here that I have been trying to find for a while. This would definitely be a good sticky. Thanks for all the good info.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 25, 2006
Eastern NC
Actually a better thread for informative sources will be the Species Profile thread that Water_baby (Emi) is working on.

let's say a shark gets 1metre long, just for a sample
so the tank has to be 1.5metre width min for 1 shark of a metre
or 2metre width enough for 2? or does it has to be 3metre width if u want 2?
so the lenght of the tank has to be 3metre long or longer for more then 1

and for a round pool at least 2.5 metre in dia or larger
did i get it correct or screwing up in math
Also the reason for the variation of tank size requirements is because - there are several different types of benthic sharks, with different behaviors & activity levels.

In keeping more than 1 shark of the same species - it's always best to go with the larger figures. So for a pair of sharks of an inactive benthic species (such as wobbegong) - the tank should have a length of at least 4x shark's max length, and a width of 2x shark's max length. Or if it's a pond - it should have a diameter of at least 3x shark's max length.

Also it's interesting to note - that very few species of benthic sharks - actually max out at exactly1 meter(39.4 inches).


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 10, 2007
Australia, Perth
yeah following water_baby profile thread to can't wait till he has more info

i didn't even know if a shark becomes 1 metre just used it as a sample
believe the eppie become 107cm but i got this out the sharks and ray book of scott micheals i think knowing his tank sizes aren't correct makes me think if he has the sizes of the sharks correctly
more interested in white spotted shark species that mature under a metre