Where Freshwater Stingrays Are Illegal To End All

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Okay i live in NYC and now all the local fish stores are taking their rays out or at less one distrubutor says someone in another boro gotten a ticket from wild live for selling F/W stingrays.. but some areas of the city still sells them. anyone heard of this?? maybe NYC laws are little different than State laws??
Well i know a couple places that sell freshwater rays in texas. What if the ray was a brackish water ray but acclimated to fresh water is it still illegal in texas?
I live in Georgia and first learned of fw rays almost 10 years ago. Ever since I first learned about them I have been wanting to get a few. I don't understand why they are illegal in Georgia but I am guessing in the southern part of the state they might be able to breed and reproduce if they was ever releaesed. I have heard before you can keep them in Florida but with a permit. Is there any truth to this? What states can you legally have them? I am considering moving out of Georgia just so I can have them. At the moment I maintain a small collection of pyros.
