Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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From what I have seen and heard this is the list of toughest cichlids pound for pound:
(I know some of these are not from the Americas, but I didn't find a more suitable thread)

1. Hemichromis fasciatus
2. Grammodes cichlid
3. Most aggressive Mbunas (auratus etc...)
4. Neetroplus nematopus
5. Red Devil (and other most aggressive Amphilophus species)
6. Regular Jewel cichlid
7. Nosferatu bartoni
8. Nandopsis beanii
9. Dovii
10. Black nasty cichlid
11. Convict cichlid
12. Salvini cichlid
13. Buttikoferi
14. Nandopsis tetracanthus
15. Hemichromis elongatus

(Honorable mentions to Hemichromis frempongi and Coptodon snyderae. Also some pike cichlids could have prolly made the list, but I haven't researched them much.)

Does my list correlate with your own experiences?
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I believe everyones experience will differ even with the same species.
Aggressive behaviour from any fish can depend on so many factors. Tank size, water flow, temperature and chemistry. Can have affect. As can tank decor, ie territories and hiding spots and line of sight breaks.
Diet can also affect a fishes behavior. Fish can vary on temperament within the same species, due to variant or genetics or possibly individual personality. The list goes on.
We have a general idea of what species tend to act more aggressive on average, but little more than that.
To me the thread is a little pointless. It s probably my least favourite thread on the cichlid forums. Pointless and mute.
I concur with Stan, I never did quite understand the point of this topic.
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