Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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I believe Red Texas cichlids are hybrids.

They are. They are also insanely aggressive. Mine had a group of festae, a carpintis and a few jewel cichlids cowering under everything they could find to get away from him. I keep him off me during tank maintenance with a dinner plate dedicated for this purpose. As long as I keep my mitts out of his tank he's a great wet pet.
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I've only had jags, red devil, oscar, convicts and doviis. Out of those, I'd rank them in this order:

1. Doviis
2. Jags
3. Convicts
4. Red Devil
5. Oscar
I havent had any big and super aggressive cichlids but here is a list of the species i have had experience with:

1. Convict cichlid
2. Blue Acara
3. Firemouth
4. T-Bar cichlid
5. Rainbow cichlid
6. (Kribensis)
7. Apistogramma Cacatuoides
8. Keyhole cichlid
Any votes for a breeding pair of Salvini's?

Beat my breeding Oscar pair blue-n-black, ate one eye off my Adult Severum and the 18inch pleco was so terrified that he was half submerged in the aquarium sand to protect himself.

All this in a single night and they were not even 3in long. Pound-to-pound, they are nuts!!!
dovi for fish to fish agrresion
Jaguar for fish to owner(banging on glass and bitting)
convicts are very aggresive but to small to do anything
Maybe umbey but really depends on fish one can be a demon and the next can be a sweetheart
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