Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Oscars are pretty much pansies, they just eat alot!!!

Buttikofrei (pound for pound)
Dovi (size)
Red Devil

In that order!!!!
Not my O, he was an ultimate badass, your right they eat like pigs, in fact the reason why I bought him was because he ate a coin we dropped in the tank at Highschool. This was over 15 years ago - so please don’t ban me From the forum - I know that was not a good idea. He had to go because he was killing the smaller Oscar in which the tank was eventually partitioned.

He lived the majority of his life in a 30 gallon tank then moved up to a 60 gallon.. When he got irate he would frequently puff out his gills and swim in a very odd manner - hard to explain - Very strange maneuvers. My experience is A. ocellatus
My jack would attack smaller fish, but when there are larger fish, he would ignore them.
green terror > jack. My big male gt destroyed both male jacks i tried to put it with. I shudder to imagine what a true green terror would do or one of the nastier africans.
I have a 10 inch mid evil that’s pretty nasty. I have him in a 115 now with a Dempsey that’s 8incj, a butti that’s 7, and a Texas that is 7. As well as a sail fin squeaker that’s 9 and a raphael catfish that’s a foot. Going into that tank I think he was humbled a bit bc he playes way nicer with everyone.
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