Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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In a way this is kind of a pointless thread as all of us can never compare each other's fish directly and each fish / tank setup is different. Ie someone's GT is going to be soft and others will terrorize. Based on experience I believe both are true. That said, I'll chime in with my experience of owning many of these fish before.

1. Dovii (no comment here)
2. Male Red Tiger Mota (surprisingly aggressive, since most people don't talk about these I did not see that coming. Had to sell mine at 6 inches because it would relentlessly take on 10 inch fish)
3. Full grown male carpintis (I've had smaller ones that were soft but one time I bought a full grown male and it was on a mission to kill everything in the tank. Broke my heart to sell it)
4. Full grown male jag (amazing fish but also usually pretty deadly)
In a way this is kind of a pointless thread as all of us can never compare each other's fish directly and each fish / tank setup is different. Ie someone's GT is going to be soft and others will terrorize. Based on experience I believe both are true. That said, I'll chime in with my experience of owning many of these fish before.

1. Dovii (no comment here)
2. Male Red Tiger Mota (surprisingly aggressive, since most people don't talk about these I did not see that coming. Had to sell mine at 6 inches because it would relentlessly take on 10 inch fish)
3. Full grown male carpintis (I've had smaller ones that were soft but one time I bought a full grown male and it was on a mission to kill everything in the tank. Broke my heart to sell it)
4. Full grown male jag (amazing fish but also usually pretty deadly)
Red tiger motas are underrated in aggression, a 10-14 inch male would dominate almost any other similarly sized cichlid
I would say a Snakehead, my snake head at a northern pike almost 3/4 its size amazing feat for an amazing beast. i was not happy about it but it is a true story happened about 35 years ago. also i would like to mention a beast in it's own right, i owned an albino Clarias Butrachus (walking catfish) about about 40 something years ago (i know i dont look my age lol) this thing ate everything it was an absolute glutton if it could fit in its mouth it ate it. they happen to be banned at this point so my trying to get one is about zero but i would like to own another one, saw one in tank from Thailand on FB first one i have seen in a private tank since then.
I would say a Snakehead, my snake head at a northern pike almost 3/4 its size amazing feat for an amazing beast. i was not happy about it but it is a true story happened about 35 years ago. also i would like to mention a beast in it's own right, i owned an albino Clarias Butrachus (walking catfish) about about 40 something years ago (i know i dont look my age lol) this thing ate everything it was an absolute glutton if it could fit in its mouth it ate it. they happen to be banned at this point so my trying to get one is about zero but i would like to own another one, saw one in tank from Thailand on FB first one i have seen in a private tank since then.
Haha you're right about the clarias... although not "aggressive... just big pigs..
My old one being used as an arm rest by a young ornate

At the odd I saw a 4 inch Dovii being pinned by a festae its size, so I guess it’s up to the individual.

But a 24 inch Dovii could probably take on anything.
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Haha you're right about the clarias... although not "aggressive... just big pigs..
My old one being used as an arm rest by a young ornate

View attachment 1431317
YUP there it is Ding Ding Ding!!! Good one my most favorite fish of all time.............
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My female BP Patch, who takes aggression to psychosis levels. She bites holes in nets, leaps out of buckets, scrapes her teeth on siphon tubes, charges the glass and head bangs the lids. And this is before she goes hormonal when laying eggs. At the same time she loves attention and is playful...as long as you stay OUT of her tank! She has a lot of Midas in her.
My full grown Green terror alongside my adult blood parrot were dominant.

But then... I put a pair of convicts in my tank. Female started to spawn. Now they are guarding their fry. They are an unstoppable force. They will die defending their fry and will take on any size of threat. The male is relentless.

My green terror and adult parrots keep staring and the fry but once they come close they are pushed away by the male & female convict. Even though they are twice as big as the convicts.

Maybe a full grown Dovii, Red Devil or Jaguar would beat their power of convict parenthood but I highly doubt it.

My advice: If you want to keep a pair a convicts, you need a big tank because they will breed and guard their fry with full aggression. Otherwise only take females convicts (they are easily distinguishable from males)
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