Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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my point was actually that the convict would nip the pike and got killed for it. a larger green terror was intimidated by the pike though. convicts are aggressive by nature and if something isnt bullying them they will find something to bully which is why my 3” convicts end up with bigger fish. this coupled with the fact that theyre pretty bullet proof definitely makes them one of the best contenders for most aggressive cichlid.

there is obviously not one most aggressive cichlid because it is completely situational and has allot to do with decor, tank foot print, and size of the fish. just about all cichlids are ruthless to the same extent but some are better equipped to win fights, stress less easily, take more of a beating, and are more determined to dominate the other cochlids and these factors definitely matter the most. also many cichlids have aggression problems before the hierarchy is established in a tank meaning that some of the fish are relatively new to the tank and a fish with a foothold in the tank has a huge advantage.
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Texas cichlid seem to really hold their own with nearly anything.

Red devils ime are quick to end a scuffle and show who the boss is also
the 2 black belts I've had have been complete top tier tank boss fish. Just bruisers

I'm sure id think differently if I'd had a dovi or such
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In my experience, the only real aggressive fish I have kept is a Flowerhorn. Always aggressive, couldn't walk by the tank without him rushing the glass. Always bit or tried when doing tank maintenance. When I initially got him, I had him in a 55 with an oscar and a vieja. all three were close in size about 5". The flowerhorn hopped the divider once and beat up the oscar pretty bad (the oscar and vieja shared one half of the 55). He was alone after that.

Kept a Texas that was very timid, a midas that was interactive but never noticed aggression (was killed by either the Texas, the labs, the vieja or the JD, never found out which), yellow labs both timid, two timid Vieja melanura (although one ate a hole into my injured oscar even after living together fine for months), a JD who is a bully with my vieja but never actually bites or injures (tank mates for almost two years now). All of these fish are or were afraid of me anytime im doing something in the tank. I have thrown in guppies with all of these fish as feeders and they end up being part of the tank except for the flowerhorn. Only the flowerhorn never allowed any other living creature in his tank.

would love a Dovii or Umbee.
I had a red devil in with 7 red belly's for well over a year. He fought whichever one wanted to find every time I feed them. Just picked up a new Red Devil 1 week ago. Cant wait till he is the tank boss!
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I had a red devil in with 7 red belly's for well over a year. He fought whichever one wanted to find every time I feed them. Just picked up a new Red Devil 1 week ago. Cant wait till he is the tank boss!
What ever happened to him?
I sold him and the red bellys to my local fish store when I had kids, got rid of everything actually. But now I'm back, just started over in October.
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Not a CA or SA but by far the most aggressive fish I have is my 12 inch female buttikoferi. At only 4-5 inches she had my breeding pair of Texas cichlids (male was around 6-7, female 3-4 inches) backing down from her at the time. Then I’d say would be my 8 inch male Jaguar.
Not a CA or SA but by far the most aggressive fish I have is my 12 inch female buttikoferi. At only 4-5 inches she had my breeding pair of Texas cichlids (male was around 6-7, female 3-4 inches) backing down from her at the time. Then I’d say would be my 8 inch male Jaguar.
I am actually in the market for a jag now. Can't find one locally, going to have to get one online.
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