Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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It is 100% up to the individual. Obviously dovii has the best weaponry, size, and is all around the least tolerant of others.
With some of these it’s like comparing ttx to cyanide though. Both will kill, just one is more potent.
Black nasty, Cuban, jag, mota, devil, umbee, grammodes, Midas, trimac, festae, etc., are all forces to be reckoned with and must be kept alone for that reason (except the amphs). All won’t hesitate to kill every fish surrounding it. An individual can be worse than a dovii, but doviis are the worst on average.
Convicts, sals, gts, and jacks all are mean as well, but simply lack the size or weaponry to combat with the big guys. Make a breeding sal or convict 15 inches and we may see a new champion though.
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this really has to do with the personality of the fish, i have seen 11 inch true red devil shred a huge 14 inch jaguar in a matter of minutes and pull the lips off and eye out of a 12 inch dovii but yet he let 3 full grown convict continue to live in the tank with him til i sold him. right now i have three 7-8 inch red devils and a 8 inch jack dempsey and a 10 inch texas and one of the original convicts that are left that are all dominated by a single 6-7 inch male green terror who has been running the tank for the past year. so it pretty much has to do with the fish itself,just like in people, some people are game and some people are not.
this really has to do with the personality of the fish, i have seen 11 inch true red devil shred a huge 14 inch jaguar in a matter of minutes and pull the lips off and eye out of a 12 inch dovii but yet he let 3 full grown convict continue to live in the tank with him til i sold him. right now i have three 7-8 inch red devils and a 8 inch jack dempsey and a 10 inch texas and one of the original convicts that are left that are all dominated by a single 6-7 inch male green terror who has been running the tank for the past year. so it pretty much has to do with the fish itself,just like in people, some people are game and some people are not.
Thats about the best way to explain my oddball tank setups .... just had to separate an ebjd not much over two inches that kept attacking a three inch salvini even though it got thumped every time
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Out of the fish I've kept so far, my vote would have to go to the dovii. They basically kill for sport. One 3" dovii in a 75 gallon growout has already killed 3 fish that were not much smaller than itself. Not just the usual fin nipping, but straight kill charges straight to the swim bladder. Second place goes to my jags. Then a distant 3rd to my midas I had.
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Out of the fish I've kept so far, my vote would have to go to the dovii. They basically kill for sport. One 3" dovii in a 75 gallon growout has already killed 3 fish that were not much smaller than itself. Not just the usual fin nipping, but straight kill charges straight to the swim bladder. Second place goes to my jags. Then a distant 3rd to my midas I had.

People don't think of Oscars as tyrants, but when they get pissed they can be brutal. My O has two 'hits' on his resume. He skin stripped, gutted, and broke the tail section of an adult syno. He also ended a war with my previous severum (8 inches) by biting his head.
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