white poop syndrome

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
no not all white poop in other words hexamita. there are a few remedies but it may need all to cure. you can get Metro +, Jungle also makes a Metro powder. Gel-Tek has metro that you use to feed or put into their food. it may take days to weeks to cure good luck.
what the heck is white poop syndrome or hexamita? is it something that is common in fh like should i sorta be looking out for it in my fh?
bichir_first;1425142; said:
what the heck is white poop syndrome or hexamita? is it something that is common in fh like should i sorta be looking out for it in my fh?

White poop is usually a sign of Hexamite (the disease that is said to cause Hole In The Head). Keeping your water clean is a big key in the prevention of getting this.

Here's a really bad case of HITH below.

Can somebody post how it looks like? My flowerhorn's poop is usually powdery... is that considered hexa?
My flowerhorn pair is going through the same symptoms, white poop, not eating and swimming aimlessly. I have been treating them for 1 week and a few days now with Jungle Parasite clear, 30% water changes, and aquarium salt. Sadly not much has changed at this moment other than them being a slight bit more active. The poop is white and stringy almost mucus looking. I hope this treatment works. If not, I will try the suggested remedy above with the metro powder. Im running out of options...any other suggestions?
bennybeezo;3923653; said:
My flowerhorn pair is going through the same symptoms, white poop, not eating and swimming aimlessly. I have been treating them for 1 week and a few days now with Jungle Parasite clear, 30% water changes, and aquarium salt. Sadly not much has changed at this moment other than them being a slight bit more active. The poop is white and stringy almost mucus looking. I hope this treatment works. If not, I will try the suggested remedy above with the metro powder. Im running out of options...any other suggestions?
Could you please list down the ingredients of Parasite Clear? For suspected internal bacterial/parasitic infection, you need medicated foods for that otherwise injectables are best for bacterial symptoms.

Do you have access to Jungle Antiparasite foods?
Lupin;3923668; said:
Could you please list down the ingredients of Parasite Clear? For suspected internal bacterial/parasitic infection, you need medicated foods for that otherwise injectables are best for bacterial symptoms.

Do you have access to Jungle Antiparasite foods?

Whats injectable here ?
2004exrider;1435864; said:
White poop is usually a sign of Hexamite (the disease that is said to cause Hole In The Head). Keeping your water clean is a big key in the prevention of getting this.

Here's a really bad case of HITH below.

I don't think hexamita and HIH are related.
The external form of Hexamita is referred to as: Hole in the head disease. This disease affects susceptible fish such as discus, angelfish and oscars, which seem to be the most popular carriers of this problem (note that this disease may affect all fish). This disease usually starts out as a small "pimple" on the head, and as the condition proceeds in severity, ends up to be a very large sore causing lesions in the epithelium and... eventually ending up in death of the fish. Sometimes you are able to see small white nodules, sticking up out of the sore. The lateral line is also another area where this parasitic protozoan can be seen.
This disease is best treated early on with Metronidazole, or something stronger like Quinine Sulfate.
The internal form of Hexamita are flagellated protozoans found in the gastrointestinal tract of a wide variety of fishes. They frequently infect discus. Spironucleus may be a distinct organism from Hexamita, as it is longer and possibly more sinuous, but for practical purposes, both organisms appear to cause similar clinical responses. These parasitic protozoa are very motile. The flagella are usually not easily seen. Many times infections are not apparent. In angelfish, discus and gouramis, the disease is characterized by poor condition, weight loss and death. The fish may also show excessive nervousness, turn dark in color, and hide in the aquarium.
Again, Metronidazole is the drug of choice for internal Hexamita. Use 1 teaspoon per pound of food (frozen food is preferred). Thaw the food and mix the Metronidazole into it. Return the food to the freezer, and once frozen you are ready to start the treatment. Feed it to the fish once a day for a minimum of ten days. Do not feed the fish any other foods during this treatment. The treatment may take longer according to the condition of the fish, and the severity of the disease.