white poop syndrome

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Another way to treat with Metronidazole or any other powdered medication that can be given orally is to do what I did. Take a garlic gel tab (found in the vitamin section of most grocery stores), punch a hole in it with a needle, squirt it on one feedings worth of pellets. Sprinkle a dose of your medication on it. Stir with a tooth pick until evenly distributed then feed.

Worked for me. No more white poop.
bennybeezo;3923653; said:
My flowerhorn pair is going through the same symptoms, white poop, not eating and swimming aimlessly. I have been treating them for 1 week and a few days now with Jungle Parasite clear, 30% water changes, and aquarium salt. Sadly not much has changed at this moment other than them being a slight bit more active. The poop is white and stringy almost mucus looking. I hope this treatment works. If not, I will try the suggested remedy above with the metro powder. Im running out of options...any other suggestions?

Bennybeezo, try soaking their food with Jungle parasite clear. They ingest it and gets absorbed into their system. might work better. What you want to do is place one tab of parasite clear in to approximately 1L of water in a spray bottle and soak the food for about 15 min. then feed to your fish.
Man everyone recommended something different.
I came home and fed my KK, whilst seeing white tube'ish poop coming out. He crushed the food. No signs of him acting ill-mannered.

Now would be the time to treat before he stops eating. Go the safest route first and that's to feed it pellets that's been soaked in epsom salt. GL
I personally use Fenbendosol and Prazzi to treat all types of parasites... I do 4 weeks treatment. I do 2 weeks of each med. Soak pellets in the watered down meds and feed a few pellets at a time... If the fish isnt eating then a smaller quarantine tank is needed.
I also use prazipro. Now is a good time to treat him, while he's eating and strong. It took my FH a few weeks to shake the hex off. I didn't catch the problem until he stopped eating. It was a stressful time for us both. Spectrum also makes a medicated food for hex. Haven't tried yet but have a small container on hand. Be forewarned if your fish isn't eating nls sometimes it takes a while for them to eat this dense food. I also use a smaller tank, saves me money on meds, prazi ain't cheap. Good luck, wish him a speedy recovery.

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White poop is generally one of the first symptoms of Spironucleus votens aka hexamita, in which case praziquantel will have no effect, as it's designed specifically for flukes, and flatworms/tapeworms. (not roundworms) Fenbendazole is also not the best route to go when it comes to spiro/hex, as it's been demonstrated to not be nearly as effective as other forms of medication, such as dimetridazole, metronidazole and mebendazole.


Seven chemotherapeutic agents (dimetridazole, metronidazole, pyrimethamine, albendazole, fenbendazole, mebendazole and magnesium sulfate) were examined for growth inhibition on the cultivation of Spironucleus vortens. Dimetridazole and metronidazole were effective in inhibiting the parasite's growth. At concentrations of 1 microgram ml-1 or higher, both dramatically decreased numbers of parasites. At 24 h exposure, 33% of parasites were inhibited when exposed to dimetridazole or metronidazole at concentrations of 2 and 4 micrograms ml-1, respectively. Dimetridazole at 4 micrograms ml-1 or higher concentrations decreased the number of organisms to 50% or less after 48 h exposure. During the same period of time, the numbers of parasites decreased to 50% or less when exposed to metronidazole at 6 micrograms ml-1 or higher. Pyrimethamine at concentrations of 1 to 10 micrograms ml-1 was not effective in inhibiting the parasite's growth. Albendazole and fenbendazole at concentrations of 0.1 and 0.5 microgram ml-1 were similar in inhibiting the growth of the organism. Both compounds suppressed parasite growth at concentrations of 1.0 microgram ml-1 or higher after 24 h exposure. Mebendazole inhibited the parasite's growth at concentrations of 0.5 microgram ml-1 or higher. At 72 h exposure, 45 to 50% of the parasites were inhibited when exposed to mebendazole at concentrations higher than 0.5 microgram ml-1. Magnesium sulfate at concentrations of 70 mg ml-1 or higher also suppressed the growth of parasites after 24 h exposure. These results indicate that dimetridazole, metronidazole and mebendazole are the most effective chemotherapeutic agents in vitro at inhibiting the growth of S. vortens.

PraziPro is probably one of the most misunderstood medications on this forum, it is a dewormer, specifically designed for flukes, flatworms and/or tapeworms, same as in humans and will have zero effect against spiro/hex, same as in humans.
