Who's got the biggest Flowerhorn??

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
aquaticdesignsp;795630; said:
Meet Vic. Thats short for Victor, a semifamous vampire overlord from a semipopular movie. Lets just say after years of give and take ole' Vic lives alone I kept giving and he kept takin. Can anyone guess what kinda flowerhorn he is? Plus why buy um when you can make um?

that pic is an srs,and bro,there is no way you can make thm that easily,
make me some thing like this one!

or this one,

i'll give you a grand each!

and here,this is my 14in red dragon!enjoy!



What pray tell is an SRS. Where I come from it has nothing to do with fish. I do appologize, I thought there for a second we were all in this for the love of the animals and the joy they bring us, not the money or well lets just say I've never seen anyone "compinsate" with a big fish.... I also may be wrong here but wasn't the original flowerhorn a trimac midas cross? I believe so because the pair you see in the vid made me quite a pretty penny last year. I hope you don't live around me. I would hate to have my crappy wholesale deal shot because you came in throwing your big purple headed warrior around. Lighten up brother. We got off on the wrong foot. What do you breed? How do you like my three year project (the pic)? His grandparents are the TRIMAC and MIDAS in the movie.:headbang2

red warrior 1.jpg
Oh yeh one other thing. I believe I'll be getting out of the "Flowerhorn" buisness after this year. That top fish in your pictures looks like one of those blood parrots they used to sell on valentines day that they cut the tails off of. Remember those. That was so cruel. Atleast my SRS still looks like a fish not a stuffed animal. wut a fool....
SRS stands for Super Red Syn. He is a very nice fish, good hump and color. Sorry to tell you tho, SRS cannot hold a candle to the other pic posted. Ur fish is fairly common the fish from original-flowerhorn is 1 in a million. Not even close to a love parrot, not even sure how you figure that, unless you just felt insulted and were grasping at straws...
aquaticdesignsp;795630; said:
Meet Vic. Thats short for Victor, a semifamous vampire overlord from a semipopular movie. Lets just say after years of give and take ole' Vic lives alone I kept giving and he kept takin. Can anyone guess what kinda flowerhorn he is? Plus why buy um when you can make um?

That's a nice srs. He will get better looking too. Still young.
well,the trimac of yours is pretty good looking(although it dun look like a pure bred),but hell all of thm look the same,haha,and fool or not the first fish i posted was sold last year in sg,or malay(not sure)for 8000usd,yes $8000,if you are that good,why dun you make something that will make ppl willing to pay $8000 ,dun tell me you dun want 8000usd,cuz hey,that is alot of money for a hybrid dun u think?i didn't meant to offend you bro,i just didn't want you to mis lead others,"IT IS NOT THAT SIMPLE!"

oh,btw,here is a couple pix of my breeding projects,ppl want to buy my fry,but i dun sell thm,i only give thm to ppl who really know what they are talking about!cuz altho i'm pretty sure my fries are of quality,i still dun think they are god enough to be sold,and make money out off!its for the good of the hobby,i dun want to pull down the standards with some low grade socalled flowerhorn (whn they are simply only 1 generation from pure bred,)

(some of the fish shown are no longer with me!)




I stand in ah my friend. I never claimed the simplicty of breeding or the complexity of genitics. I breed a few troublsome species myself sir. I say that we are both fine craftsman ( not to sound pompus ) and our pride and fine taste in the realms of our expertise has left our first step slick. I offer a hand to a fellow artist and profesional. Those animals were amazing. Accept my sorry and maybe you'll share some insight into my SRS. I have raised him with no knowledge of his origin. I inquired and got opinions from Midas to Red Texas Flowerhorn. I know only that he failed for two years to breed the Midas female in my vid. He is unbelievablely aggersive and gorgeous when he's mad or after a good water change. Help me to understand what he is and I have plans to recieve a few Green Terror X Green Texas Flowerhorns on Wednesday. What can you tell me about them? Any help would be appreciated.
oh no ,i have respact for you bro,i respact all individual that put their tim and sweat into trying to improve our beloved hobby! i myself am not a really experience,nor knolageable breeder,i just like to mess around wishing to get lucky,

anyways,as for your fish,yes its a SRS(super red syn)aka rs(red shock) or rm(red monkey ,in recent batches,becuz in the later gens ,the breeder has successfully stable down the fading gene,therefore the newer batches will mostly fade),it is only known that the SRS strain has a very strong syn genes (as you can tell by their slow maturing rate and finage+body structure).
the srs strain is consider as a kamfa strain,wich means they are not as stable as the zz's,in other word 99%of srs males will not be firtile. srs are among the most aggressivekamfas,it is known for kelling tankmate,and drawing blood from their human,they are also know for their huge kok(hump) potential .they are also one of the healthier and longer living strain,hope this will help you abit,

by the way here is som pic of the recent srs/rs/rm

this one is my old faded srs,its no longer with me now,this is some pic of him when he was around 2 yr old




and here is a pic of the newer generations
After all these years of dodging his bite and healing his victims I finally know. It would make sense that he is sterile because he bred with that midas probably twenty times over the years to no accord. Thanks for the info man. Any info on the Green Flowerhorns I'm getting them tomomrrow.