Why not to use sand

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Poklei;3206423; said:
Is my thick sand gonna kill him? what should i do
No. How thick is the sand? Is this tank planted? For a gulper catfish tank, you do not need more than 1.5 inch of sand.
I do have one thing to say on this is what do the fish prefer after all dont most of them come from a sandy substrate compared to gravel. Also nearly all fish will use sand to clean the debris off there gills buy taking up small amounts in there mouths and forcing it through there gills. I run a small fish farm here in Oz andall my tanks have a thin layer of sand including my raising tanks. I actually prefer it over gravel especially in fry tanks as the fry dont get caught in it.
The reason I dont use a bare glass bottom is the fish including fry take great delight in going through the sand and as I said it has its benifits in allowing the fish to naturally groom parts of their anatomy without worry.
I have had more problems with fine gravel clogging than sand as the fish also find it harder to move around than sand.
Just my thoughts and experience with the substrate debate.
Polyptasaurus;3202450; said:
wow... if i knew this was gonna go on and on like this i never would have posted it in the first place, lol. Guys, there are pros and cons of both gravel and sand. I dont really know any cons to FINE gravel... but otherwise its really just based on personal preference or the fish you have.

Funny, FINE gravel is called sand.

I have never had a problem with either sand or gravel. Makes me wonder what people are doing who say they do.
Do I need to post links that show how the smallest gravel is larger that the largest sand particles in commonly sold bags of each?

Obvious? To some I guess, when they're wrong.