Your favorite tankbuster miniatures

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
That fish is also good for the uncommon fish thread.

While I'm here, silver dollars for tinfoil barbs. All the silver sheen with none of the tankbusting.
Certain types of tetras like bloodfin also have similar tfb colors.
Myleus silvers make good pacu substitutes.
And occy or perc clownfish look just like maroon clowns but with 2-3 inches shaved off. Fits in nano tanks.
I'll agree on silver dollars and several tetras making excellent tambaqui and tinfoil barb substitutes too. In the case of the silver dollars and tambaqui, it helps that they're pretty close cousins.
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I dunno...this thread is starting to make less and less sense the further it goes, and it didn't make that much sense to begin with.

"Gee...I really want a Tiger Datnoid, but my whole aquarium is shorter than the actual fish...hmm, what to do, what to do? Oh, I know...I'll get a Marbled Hatchetfish and it'll be just as good!"

"Giant Gourami! I love Giant Gouramis. The single most overriding characteristic of the Giant Gourami is...wait for's a giant! I'm sure that a Dwarf Gourami, roughly the size of a Giant Gourami's eyeball, will scratch that itch!"

And it goes on and on. Bloodfin Tetras instead of Tinfoil Barbs? Bettas standing in for Arowanas? Oh, the humanity....

This is the Monster Fish Keeper forum. The focus is monster fish. If you want monster fish, you simply must invest the time, money and space to provide a suitable monster home; it takes all three of those, one or two just don't cut it. Small fish are wonderful in their own right...I am unabashedly a small fish fan...but regardless of all their appealing characteristics, they simply aren't giants and can't be expected to substitute for them.

Or, am I being too close-minded about this? Gee, beats me...maybe?

I'll recheck this thread when I get back home. My granddaughter wants a pony; we're taking her to get a hamster. I'll report back whether or not she notices the switcheroo.
African butterflies are actually a cousin species to arowana, so they count.
Bettas have a similar profile I suppose.

Saw those…took a lot of restraint lol. Tank’s just a bit too small for a school.
I've always thought that Apollo sharks resembled small arowana.