A local aquarium club is a place where you can learn about aquarium keeping, buy items like fish and plants, and meet local people who enjoy the hobby. Typically you will pay a small amount for yearly dues, and most clubs provide:
Most clubs have a website that lists meeting times and locations. Many will let you attend one or two meetings for free before you join. Also, most auctions and swap meets are open to the public, so you can join your local club, but also shop at the events of several clubs in your area.
If your area doesnt have a local aquarium club, WHY NOT START ONE???
- Meetings may be at a public location or in someones private home
- Internet forum where members can exchange information
- Auctions and/or swap meets where members can buy and sell livestock and plants
- Guest speakers many clubs get experts to come to some meetings and give talks
- Newsletters some clubs have newsletters that are published by the club, a typical one might include an article by a local expert, aquarium-related classifieds, upcoming club events, a profile of a selected fish species, a book review, spawning reports and/or a list of awards received by members
- Awards programs BAP (Breeder Award Program) is an awards program based on how many different species you breed, and HAP (Horticulturist Awards Program) is based on how many different types of plants you propagate. All this breeding and propagating leads to a clubs accumulation of knowledge, experience, and livestock and who couldnt use more knowledge, experience, or livestock!!!
Most clubs have a website that lists meeting times and locations. Many will let you attend one or two meetings for free before you join. Also, most auctions and swap meets are open to the public, so you can join your local club, but also shop at the events of several clubs in your area.
If your area doesnt have a local aquarium club, WHY NOT START ONE???