• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

ZENNZZO's duce duce five...

at 225 MPH, A big o' GRIN and my hair on fire, AND of course some much needed help from from PT,
I got the sight cleared for landing...

Between all the,
"oooops's" and
"Oh Craps" and
"Did you see where the hell did I put my?"

PhullTanks57's Tractor like ability, to huck big bulky heavy stuff around,
We managed to get the Stand, Tank and Filter, in the desired location.

You know I am all smiles when all we had to do was remove a small piece of the house to get it in the front door and into the spot.
Hell we didn't even scratch the tank or the walls, and the hardwood floors never looked better...

Brother, THANK YOU very much, I hope it wasn't too bad of a 36 hr ordeal...

When we got it to the end of the hallway, PT57 had to give me the international peace sign, right before the righthand turn into the room it rests in...

I am using my favorite (OK, OK, well new found favorite!) technique for leak proofing all the plumbing as we speak...
taught to me by none other than the notorious "Silicone~J"

Won't be long now till I get more pix up...sorry for the delay in progress, I'm on it like a Phat Kid in a candy shop!

We had to resort to sign language...

I asked PhullTank
"Ya got her still?"
No sweat bro, don't mention it.

As for silicone, my preferred method or technique of choice when plumbing certain areas of the system. BTW, how did that go?... get ANY LEAKS?!! :D ;) :idea: If so, how many?!! ;)
Anyways, from my knowledge... I beleive there were abosolutely NO leaks at all whatsoever, after zennzzo did the final assembly of the plumbing stage of the tank in the desired tank location. Good Job bro!! :clap Silicone does go a looong way!! ;) :D ;)

Next Picture Posting session soon to come, I'm guessing is...

Zennzzo's 'Up and Running... 'Dos Dos Cinco' el Monstruo Pescado Tanque!! :D :D ;) :popcorn:
Wel Il apologize for the delay...trying to juggle all my business at once while doing what the Doctors say has proven to be too much...that and my general laziness to put all my images on the new LAptop...:naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

As promised PICS PICS PICS






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After dark when there is no reflection, I snap a few more images...:D
Nice update Ben well done. Love the Z that cracked me up!
LOVE THE "Z":headbang2 THATS whats going to make the scrubbies work/flow/clean even better!! :D
Nice progress Zenn. Its only a matter of time!!!