• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

ZENNZZO's duce duce five...

Nice pics and fish! they look great.
wow that GT is incredible
Just went through and read every part of this thread..

Just wanted to say awesome freaken job man!!! Seriously that's a lot of work, and you are doing a hell of a job.

Your the type of person I wish lived closer so I could pay you to setup my next tank ;)


best of luck cant wait to see it finished
I read through every single page as well and bow was it worth it!

Props to you Ben! Clean as it always should be.
Great photos there Zen, nice to see it up and running. PCH is still growing strong I see.
here are a couple of PhullTank57's fav fish shots...don't let him fool ya he just LOVES Giant Gouramis....:ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:
Tank and setup is SUPER CLEAN bro. Job well done!! :thumbsup:

And the Giant Goramy... my favorite from the bunch! :D :D ;)

thankz Bro...that was the original plan, but then I met this cool mofo just around the corner from my house, and the first thing he showed me was this 100g wet/dry...well I got the w/d(s) and he got the FX5 and cash...What else was I going to do with the last 1000 SCRUBIEZ in the USA? LOLOL...
Hey mait a minute... have I met this guy before?? :uhoh: :idea: :uhoh:

Oh btw, picked up this poster at a garage sale... you want? pick it up! :popcorn:

