Another dog biting story


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Believe it or not, not everyone lives in a grid neighborhood with neighbors close by and not all dogs are companion animals; some are used for hunting, herding and guarding. There are many powerful breeds of dogs that require special care and the same rules would apply to this dog....
Hello; Yes there are some service dogs trained or by their nature used to do specific jobs. I also can see some cases where a dog is doing right when it bites or attacks. Home invasion where the dog attacks an intruder. Military service dogs.

In the nearby town I looked at a house. Next door in a fenced lot were several dobermans. Owner had a very sturdy fence six feet or more high.

My next door neighbors on one side are a small herd of black angus cattle. I give them nick names like big mack, rib eye, beef stew and such. They smell a lot better than the sheep that use to be my neighbors on that side.


MFK Member
Feb 3, 2014
I didn't mean dogs should have the same rights as humans, what I meant is if a dog gets spooked or harassed my someone and gives a warnig bite they should be given the opportunity to have obedience lessons, at the owners expense, iv seen very aggressive dogs that can't be kept with other pets transformed into very calm dogs that are housed with other animals and children.
It depends on circumstances, but if its a first bite from an otherwise friendly dog then there very well could have been a cause for the dog to bite, and I think that dog should be given the chance to be trained and given a second chance, but again its all dependent on circumstances.


MFK Member
Sep 18, 2014
Land of corn
I have German Shepard who would be considered a "success story" by most people. She was born in a shelter and spent time in and out of the shelter through foster care with an older couple as well as a family with young kids for five years. She wasn't well socialized with dogs, cats, and cars as well as other things when she was younger but was excellent around children. We were told nothing about this from the shelter other than the basic history of her latest homes. When we brought her home she reacted quite differently to our sheltie than she did at the shelter. We signed up for basic puppy classes to work on socializing her then moved to agility then to advanced agility. Today she's fine around other dogs and animals due to diligence on our part.

Rehabilitation is possible but it isn't a quick process and it probably means the dog won't ever live with anyone who has children or other pets but it is possible with determination and perseverance.


MFK Member
Apr 13, 2007
Dogs as well as children are only what we make them. Parent's and dog owners need to train or teach them to fit in to society properly. I believe you can teach a dog not to bite. But sometimes it takes the parents to teach there children the right thing to do. Parents need to stop blaming everything else around them and be parents, we seemed to have lost this in the last generation. (e.g. teach your children not to touch the hot oven door, don't sue the maker of the oven?)


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Dogs as well as children are only what we make them. Parent's and dog owners need to train or teach them to fit in to society properly. I believe you can teach a dog not to bite. But sometimes it takes the parents to teach there children the right thing to do. Parents need to stop blaming everything else around them and be parents, we seemed to have lost this in the last generation. (e.g. teach your children not to touch the hot oven door, don't sue the maker of the oven?)
Hello; I follow what you are saying but find it hard to accept. Having been a public school teacher for over 32 years I found children from the same families to have very different personalities. While not so experienced with dogs, I have seen multiple dog families. Each dog somewhat different from the other. I have owned a few dogs with no two the same.

I do agree that parents should teach their children how to navigate safely in the world. In this particular case the child was two years old. Not sure how good instruction "sticks" with a two year old. The child should have been watched over around the dog. That the child is two and not likely much of a threat to the dog is also a big issue.


Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
What a sad turn of events for all parties involved.
Hello; Yes this is true. My overmost sympathy goes out for the child. Wounded, possibly scarred for life and maybe an ongoing problem with a fear of dogs. While I follow that many have an overriding concern for a dog, I do not understand it.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2009
Austin, Texas
Hello; Yes this is true. My overmost sympathy goes out for the child. Wounded, possibly scarred for life and maybe an ongoing problem with a fear of dogs. While I follow that many have an overriding concern for a dog, I do not understand it.
I think the concern for the child is a given(no need for debate). Whereas the dog is on the fence.

I personally will always pick a human over an animal(dog). Look at Michael Vick, he did his time for his crime but people just can't let it go. Look at the protest when Steelers picked him up. He is going to play football with someone...get over it.


MFK Member
Sep 8, 2014
dog bites, dog gone! esp when you have little ones around. there is no question here IMHO.
agreed but I give the dog back to were I got it from. More over, why would the parents get a dog that had a bite warning anyhow....I cant read the article where I am so that may be covered.

my girlfriend rescued a pitbull a while back, supposedly sweet dog, got it home and found it had a fear of men, all men regardless of age, and as a responsible owner I took it back and told the people. When I say a fear, I mean back against the wall teeth bared you best back the hell up fear .obviously they denied that EVVVER being a problem but the husband was a POS just looking at him so I knew something happened to that dog.

End of the day bad parenting can't be covered up lol.