@F1.... We dont really have just garden centers around here because its kinda seasonal... The hardware stores have garden centers but they close down after summer.
That big one is a fake terrarium plant. I think they're called "fancy plants". That's why i want to do this with the pothos.
These roots cleaned up nicely. Will get to the rest tomorrow maybe. Been reading for a while but do the leaves have to be out of water or will they grow out or what's what? View attachment 839023
@F1.... We dbmerged ont really have just garden centers around here because its kinda seasonal... The hardware stores have garden centers but they close down after summer. I have something growing in water upstairs but i put it in a guppy tank i have jus to test it cause idk exactly what it is and they started dying so i took them out... They are still droppin so it could be my tank but wasnt gonna take a chance with the big boys lol
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I picked one apart piece by piece and siliconed them to the to third of my 125. View attachment 839059
I got a small pot of papyrus from the Milwaukee Aquarium Society
I just joined their forum. Looking forward to the auctions and other events. Buying 2 severums from another member Friday. Working out good so far. Sorry to get off subject, so....here are my pothos!
Going to grab more when i get paid. Bought 3 plants, only filled one basket.