• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Cheap plants, less nitrate! POTHOS

That big one is a fake terrarium plant. I think they're called "fancy plants". That's why i want to do this with the pothos.
@F1.... We dont really have just garden centers around here because its kinda seasonal... The hardware stores have garden centers but they close down after summer. I have something growing in water upstairs but i put it in a guppy tank i have jus to test it cause idk exactly what it is and they started dying so i took them out... They are still droppin so it could be my tank but wasnt gonna take a chance with the big boys lol

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@F1.... We dont really have just garden centers around here because its kinda seasonal... The hardware stores have garden centers but they close down after summer.

That sucks, I'm further north than you and we have seasonal garden/pond stores. And they are still open.
That big one is a fake terrarium plant. I think they're called "fancy plants". That's why i want to do this with the pothos.

I picked one apart piece by piece and siliconed them to the to third of my 125. uploadfromtaptalk1350559423258.jpg
Are the roots to deep?

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Nope looks good!

That big one is a fake terrarium plant. I think they're called "fancy plants". That's why i want to do this with the pothos.

Haha it fooled me! I like!

These roots cleaned up nicely. Will get to the rest tomorrow maybe. Been reading for a while but do the leaves have to be out of water or will they grow out or what's what? View attachment 839023

It will eventually grow out of water, but better if only the roots are submerged. Looks great!

@F1.... We dbmerged ont really have just garden centers around here because its kinda seasonal... The hardware stores have garden centers but they close down after summer. I have something growing in water upstairs but i put it in a guppy tank i have jus to test it cause idk exactly what it is and they started dying so i took them out... They are still droppin so it could be my tank but wasnt gonna take a chance with the big boys lol

Sent from my SPH-D710 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App

I live in indy and pothos are still everywhere!

I picked one apart piece by piece and siliconed them to the to third of my 125. View attachment 839059

Nice tank, looks very natural!


*Go S. Vettel #1 rb8--4 MORE RACES LEFT! LET'S MAKE IT 4 BACK TO BACK WINS & 3 WDC!* :beer:
They have them at Walmart for $2.75 a pot. Just picked up 3 this morning.
I got a small pot of papyrus from the Milwaukee Aquarium Society auction last spring and dropped it in a shallow part of the pond, divided it soon after.
Every time a stem bends and the top leaf touches water, a new plant develops. Those new plants are what I have been adding to the tanks over the last few weeks.
And I have just brought the mother plant in for the winter, and divided it into another 3 plants.
I got a small pot of papyrus from the Milwaukee Aquarium Society

I just joined their forum. Looking forward to the auctions and other events. Buying 2 severums from another member Friday. Working out good so far. Sorry to get off subject, so....here are my pothos!

Going to grab more when i get paid. Bought 3 plants, only filled one basket.
Over the last week I have read both this thread and JK's all the way through. I had come across his a while ago but this inspired me to read both and get a clipping of my own. I have a clipping with 7 leaves I got yesterday evening. I have it in one of my wifes flower vases and to my surprise it is already growing small water roots. They are less than a mm however they have been growing for less than 24 hrs. It is the solid green kind and I plan on putting it in my 265 when I get it started up in the next week or so. I did not think roots would shoot out so soon. I know only 1 clipping won’t do much however I plan to get many more as well as some peace lilies.