Calling all festivum experts!

Mythic Figment

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2012
They problem with gold saums is your fry will never look as good as the asian farm raised fry, since they hormone them up for better early coloration.
Interesting. I was unaware of this.

This decision is harder than it was suppose to be!!! LOL I think I have too many favorites and that is my issues here. :(

So what would be a realistic SA cichlid that I could breed long term in a 75, 55 or 20 long? I am looking for color (the earlier it gets it in size, the better) and something that won't be too shy.

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darth pike

Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 3, 2008
Though I dislike them, electric blue rams for the 20 long or electric blue acaras for the 55 or 75. Asian bred german blues run into the same hormone issue as the GT's.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 5, 2013
Stalsbergi would be cool, since they are quite uncommon. At least around here lol. Mine (cb from rapps) is the first one ive ever seen in real life and i really have to say, the colors are so much more stunning then rivulatus. In a more modern streamlined kind of way if you know what i mean. Mine went from being the size of a quarter to this in about 2 months


Bit of fin missing from my nippy teugelsi bichir, but hes been great for the most part. Starts all the fights in the tank, safe to say he is king cichlid among my growouts (festae, 3x geo brasiliensis, one larger green sev to act as tank police) and the prettiest.

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Mythic Figment

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2012
Though I dislike them, electric blue rams for the 20 long or electric blue acaras for the 55 or 75. Asian bred german blues run into the same hormone issue as the GT's.
I was actually thinking about growing out some of the discus from Wetspot. I sent an email asking which strain they sold and they said German, which are the hardiest line bred discus from what I've read. Granted, I can buy from cheaper from Discus Hans and I know for a fact they are German strain. Offspring would net me a fair amount too.

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Mythic Figment

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2012
Stalsbergi would be cool, since they are quite uncommon. At least around here lol. Mine (cb from rapps) is the first one ive ever seen in real life and i really have to say, the colors are so much more stunning then rivulatus. In a more modern streamlined kind of way if you know what i mean. Mine went from being the size of a quarter to this in about 2 months

View attachment 991913

Bit of fin missing from my nippy teugelsi bichir, but hes been great for the most part. Starts all the fights in the tank, safe to say he is king cichlid among my growouts (festae, 3x geo brasiliensis, one larger green sev to act as tank police) and the prettiest.

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I have sent an email to Wetspot asking for pics of the rivulatus they have in stock. They are listed as wild, so there should be no hormone issues. If they are colorful, I might get a set of four and hope for a pair. If not, I will continue my search. :/

Stalsbergi would be great to have, but I can't afford shipping from Rapps on my own unless I am buying a few hundred dollars worth of fish, which doesn't happen very often. The only reason I am ordering from Wetspot is because I have a couple of local friends who are joining in on the order with me, so shipping will be cheap with it being split up.

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darth pike

Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 3, 2008
I wasn't even talking about long term damage from the hormones, I was referring to selling the babies. A two inch juvy shouldn't have the colors you see on the ones in Petsmart/Petco. Will make it harder to sell the fry.

Mythic Figment

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2012
I wasn't even talking about long term damage from the hormones, I was referring to selling the babies. A two inch juvy shouldn't have the colors you see on the ones in Petsmart/Petco. Will make it harder to sell the fry.
So you're talking about a temporary hormone that just boosts colors in young fish enough to make it easier to sell? So adults of those treated with hormone should look the same as those without, right?

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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 2, 2008
Most hormoned fish will most likely fade over time. The reason they are juiced or color-fed at a small size is to bring out the adult coloration prematurely, so people will see a pretty 2" fish and buy it. This is why discus were so often hormoned when imported from Asia. A lot of discus strains look like any other cichlid at 2" -- brown with stress bars. No one wants to pay $20 - 40 per fish on something that they have to wait 6 - 10 months to see the color potential on. When you think about the hobby from the standpoint of the average aquarium owner, they just go into a store and buy what catches their eye. They'll almost always go for the more colorful choice. Only hardcore hobbyists would understand that most fish are pretty dull until they reach maturity.

Since we opened SimplyDiscus in 2002 we have seen literally thousands of people come on with the intention of making money off spawning discus. My suggestion would be not to fall into that trap. ;) Discus require a lot of work to raise, and wholesalers can get them way cheaper from Asia (and way more colorful, too!) than what you could sell them for. I love discus and I have them all over my house, but I know I'd never come close to actually making money from them if I sat down and added up all the food, time, water changes, etc. it takes to raise them properly to sellable size. One of my favorite quotes about discus has always been, "How can I make a small fortune in discus? Start with a big fortune."

Mythic Figment

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2012
Most hormoned fish will most likely fade over time. The reason they are juiced or color-fed at a small size is to bring out the adult coloration prematurely, so people will see a pretty 2" fish and buy it. This is why discus were so often hormoned when imported from Asia. A lot of discus strains look like any other cichlid at 2" -- brown with stress bars. No one wants to pay $20 - 40 per fish on something that they have to wait 6 - 10 months to see the color potential on. When you think about the hobby from the standpoint of the average aquarium owner, they just go into a store and buy what catches their eye. They'll almost always go for the more colorful choice. Only hardcore hobbyists would understand that most fish are pretty dull until they reach maturity.

Since we opened SimplyDiscus in 2002 we have seen literally thousands of people come on with the intention of making money off spawning discus. My suggestion would be not to fall into that trap. ;) Discus require a lot of work to raise, and wholesalers can get them way cheaper from Asia (and way more colorful, too!) than what you could sell them for. I love discus and I have them all over my house, but I know I'd never come close to actually making money from them if I sat down and added up all the food, time, water changes, etc. it takes to raise them properly to sellable size. One of my favorite quotes about discus has always been, "How can I make a small fortune in discus? Start with a big fortune."
I understand. It makes perfect sense.

As far as making money on any fish, I have no dreams of that. I want to make a little money off breeding some fish to help offset the costs of maintaining the tanks and feeding their occupants. I am thinking about opening a fish store in NC in a few years when I move there, but for now I just want to earn a little money to help lessen for my hobby costs.

So is there anything out there that would make me a little money that Asian doesn't already breed and juice up for dirt cheap? LOL

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Mythic Figment

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2012
What about Aequidens metae? They seem pretty colorful at small sizes of 2-3", remind me a lot of green terrors in body, behavior and even a little in markings, and aren't something a lot of people seem to have easy access to.

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