I have a fish I bought thinking it was a female Blue Acara due to lack of coloration but it never showed any interest in my other, which is an Electric Blue. ....also has a good bit more attitude, but stays to itself mostly. Never really knew how to sex them, but I also considered it could be some other type of fish, like maybe a Geophagus or even a different Acara.
I know I'm asking a lot without pictures, but if anyone has pics or knows of fish that look practically IDENTICAL to a Blue Acara but with overall more drab coloration, help would be appreciated. It does have the orange trim on the dorsal fin as well and a black stripe through it's eye. There is also very light blue markings on the face and mouth, and another black line that starts at the back of the eye and runs along the lateral line in an irregular pattern, widening out towards the mid-section, and abruptly breaking up into faded washed-out appearance. There are also very very faint black vertical bars down it's entire length and white-tipped pelvic fins. It also has the typical bars across the nose and head that Blue Acaras exhibit as well. Could this be some kind of Earth-eater?
Also, are the sexing charcteristics different for Electric Blue than normal Blue? If so, what should I be looking for?
I know I'm asking a lot without pictures, but if anyone has pics or knows of fish that look practically IDENTICAL to a Blue Acara but with overall more drab coloration, help would be appreciated. It does have the orange trim on the dorsal fin as well and a black stripe through it's eye. There is also very light blue markings on the face and mouth, and another black line that starts at the back of the eye and runs along the lateral line in an irregular pattern, widening out towards the mid-section, and abruptly breaking up into faded washed-out appearance. There are also very very faint black vertical bars down it's entire length and white-tipped pelvic fins. It also has the typical bars across the nose and head that Blue Acaras exhibit as well. Could this be some kind of Earth-eater?
Also, are the sexing charcteristics different for Electric Blue than normal Blue? If so, what should I be looking for?
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