I'll be getting some at the store today. Thank you. What is the usual cause of hex?If still eating start soaking pellets in Epsom salt solution before he stops eating. http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/treating-hexamita-aka-spironucleus.339362/
Doesn't hurt to repeat this treatment every couple of months, helps keep your fish healthy. I have been doing this for a couple of years. Best of luck.Got the Epsom salt, and soaked his food in it. Will continue this for 5 days. He's still eating like he always does, and he is still being his normal grumpy a&@hole self. Thanks for the responses and info everybody. I really appreciate it.
Happened to me interested to know. It comes and goes. I think is due to excess food consumption but thats a theory I have. All my flowerhorn are fine except the ones that consumes too much too fast.On my fifth day of soaking his food in Epsom salt solution. He is acting normal, and still eating like a pig. But this morning I noticed white poop again. What should I do?