Hey I've been reading the poly threads for a while now and I've always enjoyed reading what u guys say about poly's so I thought I'd try them out. I've always liked them as a kid but my dad never liked them. After reading this thread I was wondering if a senegal could last in my 150 tank?
Inside are:
1 silver arowana (15 inches)
1 Jack Dempsey cichlid (7 inches)
1 blood parrot (4.5 inches)
5 angelfish (ranging from 2-4 inches body size )
3 Cory catfish (2-3 inches)
Will the Senegal eat my cory's or attack my angels or do u think the JD will eat the Senegal. I read one of the guys on this thread JD ate his but his JD looks way bigger then my female. The JD is really old been around since I was little it's about 7 years now. The bp is kinda mean to the Angels but nothing super bad. The arowana is a rescue super timid had for a year now been with the Angels and Cory cats since 4 inches never had any eaten or even attempted to be eaten. Also if a Senegal does work what size should it be when I put it in? Is my tank overcrowded? The arowana is temporary longest it'll stay is 2 years depending on growth and me finding an upgrade. Also the lid is a glass lid with the plastic part in the back with cuts for the filter and stuff but the water line is like 3 inches below the top so I don't think it can leap out (unless they crazy jumpers and super accurate)