Fun discussion, the 'common' senegalus

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
My one that died was between 13 and 14 when he dried up his tail curled in :( so he was only 12

always loved This pic is technicly two bichirs but looks like a beast :P
I've got a couple, and like them as much as my endli's, ornate, and delz, they certainly have more personality. They're around 9-10", and seem to be growing fairly slowly now, my albino's are around 5" and don't seem to be growing at all.
Hey I've been reading the poly threads for a while now and I've always enjoyed reading what u guys say about poly's so I thought I'd try them out. I've always liked them as a kid but my dad never liked them. After reading this thread I was wondering if a senegal could last in my 150 tank?
Inside are:
1 silver arowana (15 inches)
1 Jack Dempsey cichlid (7 inches)
1 blood parrot (4.5 inches)
5 angelfish (ranging from 2-4 inches body size )
3 Cory catfish (2-3 inches)

Will the Senegal eat my cory's or attack my angels or do u think the JD will eat the Senegal. I read one of the guys on this thread JD ate his but his JD looks way bigger then my female. The JD is really old been around since I was little it's about 7 years now. The bp is kinda mean to the Angels but nothing super bad. The arowana is a rescue super timid had for a year now been with the Angels and Cory cats since 4 inches never had any eaten or even attempted to be eaten. Also if a Senegal does work what size should it be when I put it in? Is my tank overcrowded? The arowana is temporary longest it'll stay is 2 years depending on growth and me finding an upgrade. Also the lid is a glass lid with the plastic part in the back with cuts for the filter and stuff but the water line is like 3 inches below the top so I don't think it can leap out (unless they crazy jumpers and super accurate)

I have kept sens with big cichlids no problems before. The only thin I would worry about with your tank set up is the silver aro, it could very easily decide to eat your cory cats, and angels.
I have kept sens with big cichlids no problems before. The only thin I would worry about with your tank set up is the silver aro, it could very easily decide to eat your cory cats, and angels.
Ya probably when it's bigger
One of my pals is getting a big tank and they might go there
Right now though one year and no issues for now
Also the bichir probably won't work with the Cory cats either
How about arowana and Cory cats
Ya probably when it's bigger
One of my pals is getting a big tank and they might go there
Right now though one year and no issues for now
Also the bichir probably won't work with the Cory cats either
How about arowana and Cory cats
Make a separate thread so you don't hijack this one. And a Senegal probably won't work with your set up as of now but if you make minor tweaks and find one big enough you should be fine. The corys would have to go though.
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Make a separate thread so you don't hijack this one. And a Senegal probably won't work with your set up as of now but if you make minor tweaks and find one big enough you should be fine. The corys would have to go though.
Oh sorry I'll make one and then u can tell me about these tweaks thanks
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Senegals will always be a favorite of mine. Probably because that's what started my love of polys. Financially I can't have some of the more expensive/rare polys like mokes (my LFS can get them for $100 THEIR price - which would mean my price would be $150 min yikes!), platinum and lucistic (have yet to even find one available anywhere).

I had my senegal for about a year before I learned more about different polys and really got into it. Now my Sen is about 4 years old and beautiful. He is likely maxed out at 9." I'm hoping he can stay in my tank even after my other grow to full size (currently have a 6-7" ornate, 8" endli and 4" buettikoferi). I also have an albino Sen but hes growing so slowly (i remember my original Sen did too, but It was long enough ago that I apparently forgot JUST how slow).

I have a display tank at the LFS I work at that has 2 young senegals. I think I may put my albino in that tank. He won't be rushed to grow like he is now (i have a divider up). He is about the same size as the other two and I think he will be happy in that tank. He will also be a better fit when he reaches full size since it may be risky to keep him in my current tank with as fast as my other polys are growing :/
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