LMAO!!! They just DON'T sit still!!!Your fish keeping skills look to be better than your photography skills, always pleased to see someone who is as bad as me with a camera
I don't think you do either Frank ),LMAO!!! They just DON'T sit still!!!
Thanx, you would be right....after the Stingray, I found it especially hard to keep from shaking, there was some nerve damage.....and I was already a Coffee-head before that too....and Rockstars tooI don't think you do either Frank ),
Nice looking veija I see through the blur)
thanx...yea they're not very aggressive at all.....pretty peaceful. just keep 'em w/ fresh supply of veggiesNice vieja man. Do they play well ?
There used to be a "feedback" feature for buyers and sellers on the forum. It was less than perfect in my opinion and glad it's gone. I can't say much about Aquascape since I haven't bought a fish from them in about seven years (and the purchase went very well).
Frank dont no what im more proud of, ur phishes or ur new avatarthanx...yea they're not very aggressive at all.....pretty peaceful. just keep 'em w/ fresh supply of veggies
http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP....c4391do0&w=300&h=196&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0Frank dont no what im more proud of, ur phishes or ur new avatar