Creating natural, functional cichlid display tanks


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 26, 2015
There were a handful in a approximately 45x30x30cm tank, then a lone male in another tank who was almost beaten to death before. Very pretty though
Yeah I think they are gorgeous little cichlids.
I wonder how a group would do in a 75
With dense leaf litter and heavy decor.


MFK Member
Sep 20, 2014
Not got that far yet.
I do have a standard 75 that I plan on setting up a few tempory biotopes in.
It will be an enjoyable project for me personally. I would also like to try and convince people that you don't need huge tanks to create an interesting display that looks to scale.
I also live with the futile hope that more people will realise what fits a 75,can still be interesting and impressive.
Guapotes, amphs, Ecuadorian terrors and Oscars plus many other tank busters have no place in a 75.
I am hoping to shine a light on those that do. As I said, probably futile but I'm going to have fun trying.
I would do a shoal of tinfoil barbs, pair of dovii and rtc for the bottom, should fill a 75 gal out nicely.


Staff member
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
Recon I can squeeze in a mbu and a parooon shark? I have good Filtration.
Two sponges? Perfect! Just give them away when they get too big ;)


Staff member
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
Nah you don't know what your on about mate. The guy at the fish store says they'll be fine.
Well with their unbeatable experience and sole motivation of good care I say you are covered!
Getting gravel and a blue shipwreck with a skull for decor?
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Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Feb 20, 2017
No cichlids.

We do have the humble stickleback which is quite an interesting little fish, suitable for life in a 75.
Could make an easy and interesting tank.
My favourite is the perch, probably the closest thing we have to a cichlid in our waters. I feel they would need a 180 minimum . I am drawn to non cichlid fishes more and more. I just can't bring myself to set up a tank without including at least one cichlid species.
Old habits die hard I guess.
The tank in your link is nice. I like the natural green glow to the tank and the fish look interesting.
I do have a pond in my garden with no cichlids, just carp. I'm down to my last 5 thanks to a persistent heron. He's a magnificent bird but a pain in the arse all the same. I've tried all manner of methods to keep him away from my fish but the bugger always finds a way.
If I loose all my fish I plan on stocking it with turtles.
Back to biotopes. I am itching to do something with thorichthys again.Sajicas are also a smaller c/a I would like to do something with again. I'm also drawn to the idea of a West African biotope. I've been itching to get a group of transvestitus for ages. Love all the other West African non cichlid tank mates that are appropriate and available too.
Not sure which I will set up first nor when. The Mrs keeps banging on about fitting a new bathroom. Once I'm free of this persistent and constantly reminded obligation, I'll be a free man again. (until the next mind blowing persistent nagg starts. She can't help herself) Then I can start playing fish tanks again.
If only women were as keen to re decorate the spare 75 gallon as they are the already decorated house! Ah the perfect woman
I looked up the transvestitus- what a gorgeous cichlid!! The only thing I would be concerned about is it looks like they require a very low pH. Mine is around 7.4. My KH3 and GH 5. The discus do fine as well as all the other soft-water species I have, but Im wondering if these little guys would struggle in such a low pH 4-7 is what it says is required on Seriously Fish. If it could work... I think Ive found my cichlid to go with the African tetras in my future build. Im thinking that may be all I add in this tank.
The only other fish that interests me is the African Butterfly fish- but I dont have any idea of its temperament, needs, whether it would be appropriate.etc... haven't really read up on it yet.
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darth pike

Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 3, 2008
I'd only keep the African Rams/Butterfly cichlids with a bit bigger cichlids. When I kept them, they definitely reminded me that they are indeed dwarf jewel cichlids. I won't keep them with the smaller krib species, but I would the larger ones.