Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Hello; Not saying this was considered a violation by the mods. I just do not know if this was a part of the ban.

I do seem to recall that I tried to warn him about it. My thinking being this forum is a business after all. The owner wants as many eyes on the adds that run with our jabber as possible. That he was trying to get folks away by posting about another site on this very forum might at the least not won him any consideration. Even so he did enough to get banned otherwise.
Could be and yes he did.
I do know that he was mostly a nice guy who was targeted and bullied by others who knew exactly how to push his buttons.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Hello; I admit that I was not kind to him. Shame on me.
I doubt you were all that bad as I don't recall him cussing you out LOL! he did to the two or three members who harassed him.I don't recall their names.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Hello; Good move. Very diplomatic. So some should be more ashamed than I.
Haha not a move,I really don't remember them.If I did I'd have zero problems mentioning them.I do vaguely remember them teaming up on him in threads though.You were not involved in that debauchery so needn't be ashamed of yourself.

J. H.

MFK Member
Oct 14, 2016
I dropped a 140 poundish sow hog, here is a C&P of my thread on it, from another forum

Pig hunt.
I prepared for this hunt first, with a prayer of success and thanksgiving (critically important, to me).

The peace river is not very far from my house and I often used to walk the bank for miles. Saw big sounders of hogs a few times. Tracks everywhere. Freezer got kinda empty a couple years ago, so I thought popping a piggy was a fine idea. I gathered up supplies, a bowie knife, a small knife, a nylon (body) bag *sleeping bag, bag* and last but not least, my 1858 new model army clone.

Kissed the wife goodbye as she wished me luck. Figured I would have to walk downriver a couple miles, but I only walked about 600 yards and across the river a hundred yards up, low and behold there were 2 big hogs. I walked abreast of them to get a shot from just standing on the far bank, but they went behind a slough channel the airboats made. I walk back down about a hundred yards and crossed the river (only about 2 ft deep in the dry season).

I start creeping down the bank. My wet croc sandals were squeeking, so I kicked them off and went barefoot. I get to where I seen them go over the slough bank, and raise up for a peek, there they were about 80 to 100 ft away! I raise the pistol and commence with the hostilities. I fired at center mass, they did not move, I fired at hog #1 the second shot. Now they move and I have a shot at#2.

I knew the gun was shooting high, so I aim at the ground under the belly of # 2 and fired again. They both ran up a ridge, hog #2 makes it 15 ft and hits the ground, squeals real loud twice and goes still. I wait about 2 minutes before approaching (thick brush up that ridge, wanted to see if it was down and hog #1 was not hanging around for vengeance). I walk up and poke at it with the bowie knife, no reaction. I still put another round, angling down thru the neck, for good measure.

I call my wife, "I got one" *you what?* "You heard me, I GOT ONE!"

I cut the head and feet off with the bowie knife and gutted it laying on the ground, Every time I grabbed the hind legs and raised it up, about a quart of blood gushed out. A .451 133gr round lead ball, went high behind the shoulder, punched thru a rib put a hole thru both lungs and lodged just under the hide on the far side (still have it, for the memories) I put the field dressed carcass in the bag and carried it across the river. I guesstimate it was a 140 pound hog before field dressing.

I carried it back to my bike about 600 yards and had someone help put it in my lap and I pedaled it about 2 miles home, hung in a tree and skinned it, cut it down the middle with a hacksaw then cut it in quarters and took it in the house and finished my hackjob and what would not fit in the freezer, I gave to the neighbors.

I was running on adrenalin and was sore for days, shooting it was the easy part. But I WANTED that pig and damned if I was gonna fail. here is a pic of my recumbent cycle I fabricated. I pedaled home with it in my lap. My wife and friends would ask "what cut of pork are we eating" *me* "damned if I know, all I know is bacon comes from the belly and ham from the ass, you're eating dead pig".

First big game animal I ever killed, and with a pistol, no less. I was awful proud but I know the pre hunt prayer was the ticket

In some circles I am known as Chief two rabbits, awfull handy with a slingshot, I am!

And in case you were wondering, yes it was legal. You can legally shoot on the river as long as your bullet does not go on private property or shoot across the river (you can shoot from a boat or standing in the river) Hogs are feral and no season or bag limit. Here is a pic of the peace (not where I hunted) I had no camera that
Incredible! do you have a pics of you riding the 'bent while hunting? with a pig on it? I wanna see! Please post them!
Here this week the authorities are planning to round up the tent people and get them into shelters.I'm not sure exactly why but a lot of the homeless people here prefer living in the streets to being in shelters.
More opportunities to make money on the street as opposed to being in a shelter and easier access to drug supplies as well
Hello; I guess even shelters have rules. Maybe no drinking or doing drugs which as I understand it is why some are homeless to begin with.

hello; back to the street in Knoxville TN, there is (or at least was) some panhandling. Not sure about prostitution. There is a publication, a small pamphlet, that some sell. I think the pamphlet is provided by a local organization.
By the way the street is named *** Street and in in an area called Old Town. I have not seen so many homeless the last few times I visited. One reason may be that several of the old buildings have been renovated into fairly high cost apartments. Others have been refurbished into a business. It may be that the new residents have been pushing to remove their more smelly neighbors who use to loiter the streets.
I considered buying one of the lofts a few years ago but was not ready to give up my shop and mechanic tools so I bought a house in a slightly rural area.
Less freedom, more rules in a shelter, plus often far from any jobs.

Unfortunately the rising addict population has put a strain on resources for the "real" homeless.

This whole legalize hard drugs thing will backfire terribly.
In NYC, the shelters are run by gangs and corrupt cops whose minds are twisted by money and power. Very often the streets are safer and more comfortable. Thank you De Blasio.

You hear of the family who got 4 cents for the wrongful death of a relative? Of course the cop who shot him by blindly firing thru a door got away scot free (typical, cops always get away with murder).

Oh yeah the reason they shot him: inebriated in his own house and playing music, neither of which is a crime,
Sadly people are defending the cops actions . Saying things like "cops are people to they panic" and other b.s
Hello; Not true. Some have been convicted and are doing time.
and sorry not buying into the plant a gun thing. are there some bad cops? sure there is same as every thing, but not going to condemn the 99.9 percent that are not.
I don't have any opinion who was guilty, but I have a friend (whose family is "well connected", but not rich, his father is a Marines vet & a rabbi & involved in the police dept., I think a retired cop too) who has a limp and was almost crippled, and has a friend who was killed because a cop was in a hurry and felt like riding a car off the road into them. The Police paid minimal cash for hospital bills, and the cop got off criminal charges. When they were going to sue further, their lawyer said it was a waste because he is a cop, so he'll get off. This cop still has his job. All they got was an official PD apology.

In general, nasty people become cops, so they can take out their sadism on other people legally. Yes, there are good, idealistic cops, and anyone who shoots a cop is 10x a murderer, and all that, but if there is a cop, I leave. I stay away from all types of criminals and cheats and druggies and cops for the same reason. It is dangerous to be around them.
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Probation Member
Probation Member
Apr 8, 2015
I can't find any. I can't view his profile either it says guest not banned, but I can't find anything "juicy" like I was hoping.
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Kris P Bacon

MFK Member
May 7, 2018
GOD's country Arcadia Fl. Chasing mollies
Incredible! do you have a pics of you riding the 'bent while hunting? with a pig on it? I wanna see! Please post them!

In NYC, the shelters are run by gangs and corrupt cops whose minds are twisted by money and power. Very often the streets are safer and more comfortable. Thank you De Blasio.

I don't have any opinion who was guilty, but I have a friend (whose family is "well connected", but not rich, his father is a Marines vet & a rabbi & involved in the police dept., I think a retired cop too) who has a limp and was almost crippled, and has a friend who was killed because a cop was in a hurry and felt like riding a car off the road into them. The Police paid minimal cash for hospital bills, and the cop got off criminal charges. When they were going to sue further, their lawyer said it was a waste because he is a cop, so he'll get off. This cop still has his job. All they got was an official PD apology.

In general, nasty people become cops, so they can take out their sadism on other people legally. Yes, there are good, idealistic cops, and anyone who shoots a cop is 10x a murderer, and all that, but if there is a cop, I leave. I stay away from all types of criminals and cheats and druggies and cops for the same reason. It is dangerous to be around them.
No, had no camera that day, here is a crappy (moving camera) of me on the bike, another dayP1010033.JPG