Another one that bugs me is presenting scientific theories as facts.
I dunno I'm not one I to forcing anyone to do something they don't want to. Guy doesn't want to make cakes for what ever reason it's cool with me.
If there was a *** cake maker and he doesn't want to make a cake for two heteros then that's fine too.
Absolutely,I have no problem taking my business elsewhere if there is an issue on either end and I know damned well I wouldn't someone(courts,govt)stepping in and dictating to me how I should run my business.I dunno I'm not one I to forcing anyone to do something they don't want to. Guy doesn't want to make cakes for what ever reason it's cool with me.
If there was a *** cake maker and he doesn't want to make a cake for two heteros then that's fine too.
Hello; Interesting morning. I went to my home insurance agents office to ask about a waiver of suborgation clause. On the way I picked up a small bolt in a front tire of my truck. had to change the tire in the insurance agency parking lot.
The fellow who had been my barber stopped in to pay his bill. He stood around and talked while I changed the tire. He cannot help as he had multiple bypass heart surgery a few years ago. He use to be a heavy smoker for decades. He also wound up with kidney failure somehow during the heart surgery and now has to have dialysis. That is background.
The interesting part is he was smoking again. I asked about this. His reply was that he has not smoked a cigarette in years and only smokes the little cigars now. I managed to keep my big mouth shut about the stupidity of this. It very well may be that those small cigarette sized cigars are more damaging than a filtered cigarette. Interesting how convoluted thinking can become when dealing with a monster addiction.
Anyway I got my truck home and plugged the tire. One more thing. Now you have to check to see if a new car has a spare tire/mini spare. A lot of them do not.
Lol Happy cakes
I totally agree though. Not a big deal on either front, but there needs to be sign. Waiting in a long line to hear no cake for you would make me cause a scene unless I'm with the fam
Absolutely,I have no problem taking my business elsewhere if there is an issue on either end and I know damned well I wouldn't someone(courts,govt)stepping in and dictating to me how I should run my business.
I see this kind of stupidity all the time, often I will hear people claim they don't smoke, then I see them light up,then they claim because they only smoke once a week, that they are not "real" smokers.
My thoughts go like this: take a little poison or a lot,the end result is the same.
Don't know, i don't know why people feel the need to lie, it's not like I go around asking if people smoke, they just bring it up somehow, doesn't make sense, unless it's some sort of denial?Lmao @ happy cakes. Fyi I will be using this term often.
Too opinionated man. When we were growing up you were taught to **** your mouth and keep it moving if you didn't like something. Now everyone feels the need to share there feelings.
Why should the smoker even have to justify him/herself though.