Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Hello; Ok you went back several pages and pasted two of my posts. I see that you find something funny. Good for you dear. (said in a Sean C voice)
My first wife use to "discuss " that way. She would go back and dig some thing up that may or may not be relevant.
I was beginning to think that past series of verbal jousts between us was over, but I must be wrong, huh?
Hello; How do I set up a way for those reading a thread to vote on something? Such as how many vote for Jaws and I to bicker in this thread some more. I suspect it may be only for new threads and likely will not work for an established thread.

How about this;

A = quote this line if you want more bickering.

B = quote this line if you have had enough.


MFK Member
Jun 8, 2017
Hello; How do I set up a way for those reading a thread to vote on something? Such as how many vote for Jaws and I to bicker in this thread some more. I suspect it may be only for new threads and likely will not work for an established thread.

How about this;

A = quote this line if you want more bickering.

B = quote this line if you have had enough.
I made a poll for you.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
The way technology is advancing I dont think this Space Force is too far fetched. Give it 100 years.
Google the 2018 U.S threat assessment. Really interesting especially the space section.

Hello; How do I set up a way for those reading a thread to vote on something? Such as how many vote for Jaws and I to bicker in this thread some more. I suspect it may be only for new threads and likely will not work for an established thread.

How about this;

A = quote this line if you want more bickering.

B = quote this line if you have had enough.
We can just have our own thread. The Jaws7777 vs skjl47 thread.

Good for you dear. (said in a Sean C voice)
Love the sarcasm... Good job sparky.

I was beginning to think that past series of verbal jousts between us was over, but I must be wrong, huh?
Never I pretty much think we are sworn enemies at this point. You need me, I complete you. :)

Was just showing how hypocritical you are buddy but I love u the way you are don't change a thing.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island that what the S stands for?


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
Trump signed an executive order stoping the family separations. I think it was a good move both morally and politically. Curious how the media will spin it
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The Necromancer
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2016
It is a new policy in fact. The washington post did a article on this.

"Obama’s guidelines prioritized the deportation of gang members, those who posed a national security risk and those who had committed felonies. Trump’s January 2017 executive order does not include a priority list for deportations and refers only to “criminal offenses,” which is broad enough to encompass serious felonies as well as misdemeanors."
From the article I linked above
Interestingly, Trump has released a hundred thousand people caught even though he said he'd stop the "catch and release" policies.

Evidence? Looked up wherever more illegals = more crime.
Some academic researchers have examined quasi-natural policy shifts to see how crime rates change due to more intense immigration enforcement. If illegal immigrants are more crime-prone, then more aggressive immigration enforcement in an area should lower crime rates. But they found no overall reduction. This suggests, at a minimum, that illegal immigrants' crime rate is no higher than that of the broader population.

More recent research conduced by Michelangelo Landgrave and me finds similar results. We applied a statistical technique that is used to figure out the employment, age, and occupations of immigrants in the census to the incarcerated population data in the American Community Survey. This allowed us to estimate the percentage of illegals among the incarcerated. We found that even if one includes in the mix those in detention facilities—most whom are there for immigration-related offenses—illegal immigrants are 44 percent less likely to be incarcerated than native-born Americans. Excluding those in immigration detention yields an incarceration rate that is almost identical to that of legal immigrants: A dramatic 69 percent lower than that of natives.

Source on illegals voting?
Your assuming they get caught at the same frequency, which will yield skewed results, many of the ones that got here have gotten thru because of their evasive abilities, you got to remember that 100 percent of illegals are in violation to the law.

It should also be noted that Mexico is the second most violent country in the entire world.

Another thing, if getting rid of illegal immigrants causes a even 2 percent drop in crime it would be worth it.

Furthermore many illegals use paid coyotes as guides/enablers, doing so supports numerous violent gangs,and viper has already had 3 relatives decapitated and isn't going to tolerate anymore