Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
The question is why we are having classes to teach English to what I understand are illegal aliens? If in fact illegal alien children are in our schools then why is that as they should be deported anyway?
What comes to mind :

Pandering to garnish votes.
Anti-imperialistic views of some of our leaders.

Two very good sources of info in my opinion.
A book called please stop helping us. I didn't read the whole thing but was very eye opening.

Any one of Dinesh D'SOUZA books movies


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Haha, can you tell what you wrote?
I'm nowhere near there but I got some stepbrothers that way, I'll try and make sure they don't eat there
Have them go there,place a large order and then leave when the food arrives.


The Necromancer
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2016
Hello; Back a ways I included a question in one of my run on posts. No one has commented as yet. It may have gotten lost in all the other stuff.

The question is why we are having classes to teach English to what I understand are illegal aliens? If in fact illegal alien children are in our schools then why is that as they should be deported anyway?
Because the far left wants democrat votes,they are hoping these illegals will be allowed to vote for them soon and bolster democratic numbers.
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The Necromancer
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2016
So you are saying we should all just lay down and die? Let the markets boom and let humanity have its last boom before the apocalypse? Maybe we can't turn the change around, but we can still adapt to cope with it!
To late for that, I expect there's gonna be a massive war soon, with all the plagues that come with it.
Humans need a few basic things such as water, food,shelter etc, when these things run low humans have two options: sit around and die or fight.

During world war 2 the axis would leave captured prisoners (among them many Jews or people friendly to the allies etc), in railroad cars for weeks or months, passers by would throw in a crust of bread and the prisoners would kill each other over a scrap of bread.

We are at the brink, with one foot on a banana peel,with resources so overstretched anything that upsets the balance can send society tumbling off the edge.

Populations cannot sustain a indefinite upward trend in growth, because our resources aren't indefinite.

For a better idea of what will happen check out revelations, which was written at a time where most of the things described were not known to what we now call science.

Most people do not have the will or skills to survive a large scale catastrophe, therefore most will die.

This sort of event can be triggered by many things such as : political turmoil,lack of ability to get resources such as gasoline (think about it,without gasoline what would you do), rubber (engines don't run well without rubber) or many other essential things we take for granted.

Sorry for the long post


MFK Member
Jun 8, 2017
J jaws7777
Should get a kick out of this
Interesting how you just dismiss it if it contradicts with your beliefs but it's gospel if it agrees with you.
More b.s talking points. I wonder how many jobs this would create if these trade deals were fair.

I'm not gonna waste my time even getting into it. Again the guy is cherry picking his points and can't admit when he's wrong or atleast could be wrong.
Any examples of how the trade deals aren't fair?

I don't get why you think some one who just was sworn into office a month ago can be credited for economic booms that began during the previous administration. It's like me succeeding someone as CEO of a company and recording goodprofits the next month and crowing about what a great CEO I am.

Hello; Back a ways I included a question in one of my run on posts. No one has commented as yet. It may have gotten lost in all the other stuff.

The question is why we are having classes to teach English to what I understand are illegal aliens? If in fact illegal alien children are in our schools then why is that as they should be deported anyway?
I don't think most of the ESL students are illegal but here's a supreme court case on it:
"A 5-to-4 majority of the Supreme Court found that this policy [charging tuition to undocumented students] was in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, as unauthorized immigrant children are people "in any ordinary sense of the term," and therefore had protection from discrimination unless a substantial state interest could be shown to justify it."