So you are saying we should all just lay down and die? Let the markets boom and let humanity have its last boom before the apocalypse? Maybe we can't turn the change around, but we can still adapt to cope with it!
To late for that, I expect there's gonna be a massive war soon, with all the plagues that come with it.
Humans need a few basic things such as water, food,shelter etc, when these things run low humans have two options: sit around and die or fight.
During world war 2 the axis would leave captured prisoners (among them many Jews or people friendly to the allies etc), in railroad cars for weeks or months, passers by would throw in a crust of bread and the prisoners would kill each other over a scrap of bread.
We are at the brink, with one foot on a banana peel,with resources so overstretched anything that upsets the balance can send society tumbling off the edge.
Populations cannot sustain a indefinite upward trend in growth, because our resources aren't indefinite.
For a better idea of what will happen check out revelations, which was written at a time where most of the things described were not known to what we now call science.
Most people do not have the will or skills to survive a large scale catastrophe, therefore most will die.
This sort of event can be triggered by many things such as : political turmoil,lack of ability to get resources such as gasoline (think about it,without gasoline what would you do), rubber (engines don't run well without rubber) or many other essential things we take for granted.
Sorry for the long post