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Rope fish eating

Ernane Tulio

MFK Member
Hey guys!

(Sorry for the bad english, Im brazilian)

I just picked up a rope fish on last saturday, a few days after it came on the LFS.
Judging by the size (about 11") I think its a juvenile yet. I do know my tank its too small for it (25" x 11"), but its too rare and hard to find I couldnt lose the chance. Im going to change my two small tanks for one bigger (48" x 25") soon.

Despite the tank size, does anyone have some tips to keep it fine, specially about feeding?

The tank is small but it has some rock caves, driftted wood, floating plants, low lights. Its tankmate is a baby poplypterus ornatipinnis. Theyre going fine by now. I think the rope fish is already settled in.

Just feed a pellet or cut up tilapia that’s small enough to fit in their mouths. Should eat without too many issues. Make sure water is pristine.
Just feed a pellet or cut up tilapia that’s small enough to fit in their mouths. Should eat without too many issues. Make sure water is pristine.

Thanks for reply!

Yeah, the idea is to get the rope fish used to eat pellets, like my others bichirs do. I will try Tetra ColorBits.

Each fish keeper has its own way to feed, but I like to give just pellets, from good brands. Its nutritional complete and I think its better for keep the bichir healthy.

Do you think its worth to put pellets mixed with very small pieces of shrimp or tilapia?
The Ornate will grow too large for the Ropefish to live together for life. You will need 2 seperate aquariums in the future.

Thanks for reply!

Do you think it so?

By now, the baby ornatus is 3 times shorter than the rope fish.

I've seen a lot of tanks they live togheter (ornatus, rope fishes, endli's), including fish keepers from MFK, since most of poly's are peaceful, or all of them.
Thanks for reply!

Yeah, the idea is to get the rope fish used to eat pellets, like my others bichirs do. I will try Tetra ColorBits.

Each fish keeper has its own way to feed, but I like to give just pellets, from good brands. Its nutritional complete and I think its better for keep the bichir healthy.

Do you think its worth to put pellets mixed with very small pieces of shrimp or tilapia?

I personally rotate pellet and Tilapia in my feeding schedule.
Yes, I'll try this.

We know bichirs like rope fish are carnivore. But do you think it would starve, even with pellets available in the tank? Have you heard anything about?
I recently got my first ropefish as well. I've had to try many different pellets to try and get him to eat. I tried NLS Thera A, omega one shrimp pellets, hikari carnivore, and now finally black worm pellets from aquaticfoods.com. He refused all of them except the blackworm pellets that he eats very well. I tried soaking them all in blood worm juice and was able to at least get him to try the hikari carnivores but he ended up spitting them out. I fed him bloodworms for a month but now he's eating the black worm pellets well.
Im afraid it becomes a hard challenge to get it to eat pellets. I see many FK having trouble to get them used to, like apparentily you did.
I keep two baby bichirs (ornatus and endli, this in another tank) and the LFS just provided they eat pellets.
Thanks any way, I'll post the news soon.
I’ve never gotten ropes to eat pellets they take them in their mouth then spit them out, I feed live earthworms, chopped mussel,cockle,prawn/shrimp and squid