the cool thing about Weldon is that you can make multiple pours without a cold weld. i got about a 1/2" thick reinforcement with the 100ml. also a heater will help keep the bubbles out plus if you stir the mix slowly that helps out a lot with no bubbles. you will only need to stir it for about a minute. you only have about 20 mins before it starts thickening. temperature plays a big roll in how long it takes to completely set up and be hard enough to move onto another seam. it was mid 50s in my garage and it took about 2 hrs per seam. i went to Wal-Mart and found some cheap measuring cups and a meat injector needle that had a 5ml on it. i filled the tube up to 5ml then put that in a cheap plastic food container and added the measured out acrylic to the container. slowly stir that making sure you scrape the sides of the container with your mixing stick, i used popsicle sticks, for about a minute. it will kinda seem "cloudy" but that goes away when it sets up. make sure you put masking tape, i used the blue kind, along the seam you want to pour. i left about a 1/4" gap between the seam and tape on each side. pour the mix in and after a few minutes slowly pull the tape up and that will leave a nice edge. be careful anything you get weld on on it will become part of the acrylic.