So I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday, thinking that my poly would eat the other kel, not thinking I would be able to catch it again with everything in the big tank. Went through all kinds of scenarios of what I should do. Assuming I would not be able to catch it unscathed.
Then finally after about 45 min of laying awake in bed last night , my wife had an idea that we could move the divider over a wee bit and chase the kel through the crack and hope the big ocel didn’t attack it. I went to go chase after it and I swear it practically swam into the net. Aha Bing pot!! (Brooklyn 99 reference)
So long story short I put the kel back in the 70 gal until further notice. Trying to figure out a way to not have to get rid of the poly and I’m not getting rid of the bass!
My current thought is the big ocel looks too big for the ornate mouth as it is. So I might keep over feeding them for another week, then introduce the big ocel to the bichir side of the tank and bring the kel up with the smaller ocel since they are closer in size.
If anyone has any helpful thoughts, ideas, suggestions I am open right now. I’m here to learn and hope to kill less fish in future.
Then finally after about 45 min of laying awake in bed last night , my wife had an idea that we could move the divider over a wee bit and chase the kel through the crack and hope the big ocel didn’t attack it. I went to go chase after it and I swear it practically swam into the net. Aha Bing pot!! (Brooklyn 99 reference)
So long story short I put the kel back in the 70 gal until further notice. Trying to figure out a way to not have to get rid of the poly and I’m not getting rid of the bass!
My current thought is the big ocel looks too big for the ornate mouth as it is. So I might keep over feeding them for another week, then introduce the big ocel to the bichir side of the tank and bring the kel up with the smaller ocel since they are closer in size.
If anyone has any helpful thoughts, ideas, suggestions I am open right now. I’m here to learn and hope to kill less fish in future.