I put a sump under the 30 std last week. It's pretty basic, 10gal tank from the Petco $1 sale, using floss, lava & gravel bed, with 3 concentric plastic containers, and 2 sponge filters. The siphon is straight thru, without standpipe or air-break.
This is the first incarnation, just using a siphon hose and bulb for a drain. There's a PVC U with strainer in the tank. The pump is an old 200 GPH powerhead feeding thru a garden hose. 150 watt heater in the sump.
I bought one new sponge filter, but had every other part laying around, and the lava, gravel, and one sponge were already well cycled.
Since then I have enlarged the pump to a new 265 gph, and the drain, which is now 3/4" PVC (throttled) with PVC weir.
Better pics to come.