My little terds

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

These guys are getting to a nice size now that they are smashing tilapia. 12”,10”,8” long. The big one is 3” from back to stomach not including dorsal fin.

I am not seeing much in regards to the colours popping atm. Beginning to think this is about what they will look like. I guess that’s what happens when you get the $15 culls(?).

I do really like their personalities and how smart they are. It’s a game to them when I vacuum the poop off the bottom. They hit the tube so hard I still jump almost every time. They also like to chas the rag when I wipe the front glass off. I often find wet pellets on the ground from them hitting the surface so hard that they knock pellets out of the water.
I am really bummed that this day is here. I am noticing that my bio load is getting a bit out of hand.

I am doing 5-10 gal daily spotclean and 70-80% wc 2 times weekly on top of that and I can hardly keep up with it now that these guys are getting bigger.

I had only expected to keep these guys for a year to learn about how to keep bass. I was originally supposed to be moving around now. We ended up starting a business that is somewhat seasonal and we decided to stay one more year so we can have more money to do the move.

I am planning on shipping most of the fish I currently have once we do the move, but these guys will be too big imo to do that. I feel like they are at a size where this tank is getting a bit cramped for them. The aggression is getting more common and the barbs are splashing fairly often. Kind of fun to watch but I know this isn’t the best for the fish.

I have a friend who will buy them from me and they will be going into a 300 gal to grow out some more before he puts them in his bigger tank. This way I can still visit them until I move.

I am tempted to get some more little baby bass to grow out again that could also possibly join these guys next year because I love these fish. Despite the rough start these have grown to be one of my fave fish to date. So much personality and just super fun to watch. I may not get any more until after the move because I don’t want to have to say goodbye again. Lol. I’m am so sad that this might be happening but I feel obligated to ensure the best housing for them. Sigh.
I didn't want to say anything, but I saw this coming, sooner rather than later. It's always a tough call to make, but you are doing the right thing. You did a nice job raising this group out, now it's time for them to continue their growth in a larger system. Good call, Matthew.
I am really bummed that this day is here. I am noticing that my bio load is getting a bit out of hand.

I am doing 5-10 gal daily spotclean and 70-80% wc 2 times weekly on top of that and I can hardly keep up with it now that these guys are getting bigger.

I had only expected to keep these guys for a year to learn about how to keep bass. I was originally supposed to be moving around now. We ended up starting a business that is somewhat seasonal and we decided to stay one more year so we can have more money to do the move.

I am planning on shipping most of the fish I currently have once we do the move, but these guys will be too big imo to do that. I feel like they are at a size where this tank is getting a bit cramped for them. The aggression is getting more common and the barbs are splashing fairly often. Kind of fun to watch but I know this isn’t the best for the fish.

I have a friend who will buy them from me and they will be going into a 300 gal to grow out some more before he puts them in his bigger tank. This way I can still visit them until I move.

I am tempted to get some more little baby bass to grow out again that could also possibly join these guys next year because I love these fish. Despite the rough start these have grown to be one of my fave fish to date. So much personality and just super fun to watch. I may not get any more until after the move because I don’t want to have to say goodbye again. Lol. I’m am so sad that this might be happening but I feel obligated to ensure the best housing for them. Sigh.
Sorry to hear this. I can relate.
I once, not too long ago, thought I was rescuing a reticulated stingray.
Although my tank was considerably bigger than the one it came from, every time I looked at it all I felt was pity. I really liked this fish, far to much to let it live a life of pity.
I found someone with a tank much bigger than mine who was really keen on this particular species of Ray. He still has it today and the ray is doing very well.
Although parting with this Ray wax far from pleasant I feel much happier now knowing she has plenty of space and a good home.
I’m really happy that this friend is wanting bass. I can’t think of much of a better home. He does daily wc and has a huge bioload capacity with all his tanks. The one these guys are going in to grow out isn’t stocked very heavily either.

Thank you guys for your kind words.

Well I’m not super happy to say these guys are in their new home.

I am happy they will be in a bigger tank and the new owner will take good care of them.

Now my tank seems so empty.
Well I’m not super happy to say these guys are in their new home.

I am happy they will be in a bigger tank and the new owner will take good care of them.

Now my tank seems so empty.

I'm sure that's kind of tough Matthew, but you did the right thing instead of selfishly trying to keep them in a less than ideal home, as more than a few would. I'm also sure that either before or after the move that tank will have some beautiful fish back in it.