I am really bummed that this day is here. I am noticing that my bio load is getting a bit out of hand.
I am doing 5-10 gal daily spotclean and 70-80% wc 2 times weekly on top of that and I can hardly keep up with it now that these guys are getting bigger.
I had only expected to keep these guys for a year to learn about how to keep bass. I was originally supposed to be moving around now. We ended up starting a business that is somewhat seasonal and we decided to stay one more year so we can have more money to do the move.
I am planning on shipping most of the fish I currently have once we do the move, but these guys will be too big imo to do that. I feel like they are at a size where this tank is getting a bit cramped for them. The aggression is getting more common and the barbs are splashing fairly often. Kind of fun to watch but I know this isn’t the best for the fish.
I have a friend who will buy them from me and they will be going into a 300 gal to grow out some more before he puts them in his bigger tank. This way I can still visit them until I move.
I am tempted to get some more little baby bass to grow out again that could also possibly join these guys next year because I love these fish. Despite the rough start these have grown to be one of my fave fish to date. So much personality and just super fun to watch. I may not get any more until after the move because I don’t want to have to say goodbye again. Lol. I’m am so sad that this might be happening but I feel obligated to ensure the best housing for them. Sigh.