Ideas for an all Amphilophus tank....


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
I need to hurry up with my garage tank racks and get the other 75g set up. My dominant Hoga is totally a pain now and really going at the other hoga. The littlest hoga gets the brunt of it from the one fish instead of split between two but it is much more intense now. Might just move the big male out tonight into the growout tank to see what happens. The littlest one actually has the best color and stripes and is a lot more interactive.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Did a water change last night in the 300 and moved the dominant Hoga out. Seems to be a pretty peaceful tank so far. The Hoga left in the 300 doesn't really seem to realize its the biggest cichlid yet. The Petsmart red devil knew right away and has been acting a bit leery of the Hoga. Kind of just getting out of its way. Im sure these two may butt heads soon since the RD is growing so fast.

Im hoping the least dominant Hoga is male. Seems like at 8" the fish would have went through the breeding process and distinguished itself as female/male at this point... I dont know, will see how it develops

If this Hoga is calm, then the 3 amphs. (hoga, rd, midas) in the tank will be permanent residents. This leaves space for the other Petsmart RD, a Sagittae, and maybe the other midas with the white spot on its head. This gives me 6 fish, which is the goal. This is getting difficult to decide since the Sagittae and Midas will be difficult to figure on what to keep.

I really hate to stock so heavily, but I think this will be the only way to keep peace in my amph. community. I am over filtered (3 FX6's) and do lots of tank maintenance so we will see how this experiment goes. If it all fails I know I have one Petsmart RD that is a keeper. Yep with all the fancy Sagittae and true midas, the mutt is the keeper.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
It's always a gamble with these types of fish kept in a group, but I think you are right in that you will need those kinds of numbers to keep some resemblance of peace among the troops. Good luck!
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Im not sure how the hoga is turning out for Jexnell Jexnell ...

Mine are now both separated and neither really have that 'wet pet' quality about them. About as interesting as one of my bichir (logs). Not sure what the deal is but the trio were a lot more interactive even though the two were basically just beat on all the time by the boss. They worked well as a group but as solo hoga, just not a whole lot of anything. Not even going at the other amphs in the tank... which is good, and a bit boring. I can actually see rehoming these guys and not evening thinking twice. They need to start 'wowing' me since I have many other amphs growing out, lol.

The dominate male had a shock of getting put into the 75 with the growouts and dug himself a hideout but thats about it. Sits in the hole and on occasion pops out. The hoga in the 300g is acting super shy even though it is now the king of the tank. No aggression showing but also no real anything. It pecks at the food and spits it out. It is looking better with its fins all healing up but is a total dud of a fish right now. Im sure if I put the other male back in they will both act better but this male will just get beat on until killed and then back to one hoga.

So my Petsmart 'red devil' mutt is the winner for color and personality, with the midas a close second. In the Grow out the Petsmart 'devil' is also becoming a favorite. The mutt's are winning out.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Finally a small picture update

The Hoga that is in the 300g. It is timid, shy and showing pale. The good colors apparently must have been stress colors, which sadly were nicer looking. Maybe when the other fish get bigger than it, it may feel more secure. I dont think it handles the fact it is the largest dominant fish... maybe female? That is the reason Im not rehoming the dominate male in the 75g yet. this one is about 8".

The Petsmart "mutt". A bit over 6"+ now. Great personality, showing no aggression yet.
It is thick and stout. The build I like in my big amphs. Hope it keeps up the look as it get bigger. Smaller midas below and to the left. All these fish have a super good temperament at this point.
Small update for now.


MFK Member
Apr 9, 2013
They're doing well! 2 of the Hogas paired up but I sold them to a friend. Now I have 1 male Hoga left along with 2 male Chancho.

I'm currently selling the male Hoga and 1 of the Chancho and plan to keep the final male Chancho as a wet pet for the duration of his life.

Hopefully, a 6X2X2 with a 40g sump will be sufficient!
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
They're doing well! 2 of the Hogas paired up but I sold them to a friend. Now I have 1 male Hoga left along with 2 male Chancho.

I'm currently selling the male Hoga and 1 of the Chancho and plan to keep the final male Chancho as a wet pet for the duration of his life.

Hopefully, a 6X2X2 with a 40g sump will be sufficient!
Sounds like you are there with the original goal of the big Chanco.
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