Flowerhorn grading and types.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
This is not a true statement!

Sorry what's not true?

Most experienced hobbyists want a well rounded fish, and the majority of the new FH keepers tend to want a more colorful fish.

Facebook group is filled with idiots, most have their first fish and most are obsessed with kok size only.

a decent size head proportionate to it's body.

Can you define what size that is? To me anything a natural midas would get is decent size.

If you do not like fish with a big KOK, that is YOUR personal preference.

Yes and that's what I said.

Edit: i think you took my second sentence our of the context from first. Facebook groups are crazy and I continued on that. I think I did exaggerated by saying no one, should have said most.
Sorry what's not true?

Facebook group is filled with idiots, most have their first fish and most are obsessed with kok size only.

Can you define what size that is? To me anything a natural midas would get is decent size.

Yes and that's what I said.

Edit: i think you took my second sentence our of the context from first. Facebook groups are crazy and I continued on that. I think I did exaggerated by saying no one, should have said most.

It is not true that "most are obsessed with kok size only". This might be your perception, but that does not make it a fact.

What makes these new hobbyist's "idiots"?? Because they don't use YOUR preferred food of choice?? Because they might like a FH with a big KOK and YOU don't?? Because they are new to fish keeping and don't do everything the way you believe is correct?
Throwing the word "idiot" around towards those that do things different than you is stupid! I am not new to the hobby, don't feed NLS, keep my water temp higher than you, and like a FH with a nice size KOK. Does that make me a idiot?

I have had and will continue to have great success with fish that live long healthy lives and show their full potential, doing things MY way. And there are lots of others that have great success doing things THEIR way.
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It is not true that "most are obsessed with kok size only". This might be your perception, but that does not make it a fact.

This is what I exactly said and that what I observed on facebook group.

It has become a pissing contest on Facebook groups.

No one really looks at any other factor, just kok size, it's a dick measuring contest.

What makes these new hobbyist's "idiots"??

As per dictionary idiot is 'a stupid person.' or 'a person of low intelligence.'

If you go on facebook groups you will see people who don't want to put effort in to reading anything but want the results. Who don't understand water parameters (KH, GH, essential minerals) or nutrition but will defend shady products. Many have noting but 'I know better than you' or 'you are an moron' to support their points. I don't care what anyone feeds or how they keep their fish, attacking someone (calling names) with different opinion is idiotic/stupid.

Because they don't use YOUR preferred food of choice?? Because they might like a FH with a big KOK and YOU don't?? Because they are new to fish keeping and don't do everything the way you believe is correct?

Did I say any of this?

Throwing the word "idiot" around towards those that do things different than you is stupid! I am not new to the hobby, don't feed NLS, keep my water temp higher than you, and like a FH with a nice size KOK. Does that make me a idiot?

Good for you. Have I said anything offensive to you on this forum? Do you know how many times we quoted each other, we do have difference of opinion and asked for elaboration few times, never heard back from you.

I have had and will continue to have great success with fish that live long healthy lives and show their full potential, doing things MY way. And there are lots of others that have great success doing things THEIR way.

Good for you and them.
This is what I exactly said and that what I observed on facebook group.

As per dictionary idiot is 'a stupid person.' or 'a person of low intelligence.'

If you go on facebook groups you will see people who don't want to put effort in to reading anything but want the results. Who don't understand water parameters (KH, GH, essential minerals) or nutrition but will defend shady products. Many have noting but 'I know better than you' or 'you are an moron' to support their points. I don't care what anyone feeds or how they keep their fish, attacking someone (calling names) with different opinion is idiotic/stupid.

Did I say any of this?

Good for you. Have I said anything offensive to you on this forum? Do you know how many times we quoted each other, we do have difference of opinion and asked for elaboration few times, never heard back from you.

Good for you and them.

As per dictionary idiot is 'a stupid person.' or 'a person of low intelligence.'"

I am well aware of what idiot means. My question to you was; what makes these people idiots? The only reason you have for calling them idiots is that they do not do things the way YOU believe they should be done. That does not mean they have low intelligence!

"This is what I exactly said and that what I observed on facebook group."

No....you stated it as fact not as your observation.

" I don't care what anyone feeds or how they keep their fish, attacking someone (calling names) with different opinion is idiotic/stupid."

Yet you are here referring to those who are new to the hobby, use different foods, or people on FB that like a fish with a big head as "idiots".

"Did I say any of this?"

Their difference of opinion on these topics is what you are referring to when calling them idiots.

"Have I said anything offensive to you on this forum? Do you know how many times we quoted each other, we do have difference of opinion and asked for elaboration few times, never heard back from you."

No....you have not said anything to me directly that was offensive, and I have no problem with the fact that we have differences of opinion on certain topics. You seem like a knowledgeable hobbyist, and I like what you are trying to do with the FB page you started. My only issue is the calling people names just because they have a difference of opinion.
My question to you was; what makes these people idiots?

Again, I call these people idiots

If you go on facebook groups you will see people who don't want to put effort in to reading anything but want the results. Who don't understand water parameters (KH, GH, essential minerals) or nutrition but will defend shady products. Many have noting but 'I know better than you' or 'you are an moron' to support their points. I don't care what anyone feeds or how they keep their fish, attacking someone (calling names) with different opinion is idiotic/stupid.

Not anyone who has different opinion than me. I believe conflicting opinions brings out creativity and are important.
Guys, what grade is my flowerhorn? He is 3.5+ inch now.

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I'd give this guy here a A-. He's got some nice color/pearling/finnage and a nice straight flowerline but his main issue is that his color and pearls don't wrap around his face/kok. If they did then I'd probably give him a S ranking. Don't worry tho he'll improve over time with some good food and care, he eventually might even be able to reach a A+ ranking once he's fully grown/groomed. Very nice looking FH ya got there and is something to be proud of.
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I'd give this guy here a A-. He's got some nice color/pearling/finnage and a nice straight flowerline but his main issue is that his color and pearls don't wrap around his face/kok. If they did then I'd probably give him a S ranking. Don't worry tho he'll improve over time with some good food and care, he eventually might even be able to reach a A+ ranking once he's fully grown/groomed. Very nice looking FH ya got there and is something to be proud of.
Wow. Thanks bro. Appreciate the comment. ?
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